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Native should have a scale as well, because it being the native tongue doesn’t mean that they’re proficient.
Highly inaccurate. Much of the young population on Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman) can speak English at moderate proficiency at worst. India and Pakistan are also atleast moderate or even high.
Also worth noticing r/mapswithnewzealandbut
Calling Germany proficient is kind of a lie, I vividly remember at least 50% of my 12th grade class not being able to express themselves anywhere near proficient (tbf this was like 10 yrs ago at this point lmao), sure we technically started learning English in 3rd grade, but its not like you can learn English from a person who isn’t fluent themselves, and most of our teachers were proficient themselves, but nowhere near fluent lmao
South Africa is Native…
I don’t think the English proficiency in Hungary is as high as in Finland.
“Native” 🤡 I know native English people who have asked me how to spell things.
this map is wrong
Portugal always standing out!
Guyana should be purple, no?
Something seems wrong about New Zealand…. At least they remembered it.
Portugal might be accurate (specially compared to Spain) but only in cities or touristic places and amongst the younger generations (<40).
Older generations tend to understand better French actually, due to the heavy emigration
to France in the 60s and 70s and many of them came back eventually.
leaving quebec as “native” when in my experience proficiency there isn’t even necessarily in the very high category
When did they move New Zealand?
England isn’t native? Not the whole UK but just England and Wales maybe?
Why the fuck is New Zealand where it is
Moderate English proficiency in Spain? Yeah right. So much for this map.
Saudi and UAE is very good btw.
Looks about right to me.
This map is crap and not true
young brazilians (15-25 years old) are able to communicate in English
Even the police in Spain cant speak english (yes they couldnt find anybody in the entire station). France is even worse.
resolution is too low to evaluate some of the smaller areas. anyone have the original source or link?
Ooh I do like that this map says my country highly fluent in English. Although I’m curious to know who and how this map is made
There is no way Russia or Iran are as fluent as Ghana. Hell I would put Ghana above Nigeria and certainly above Argentina.
The younger generations in the yellow an orange countries have the highest English proficiency
Un possible
Saying that the Irish and Scots are native in English is part insulting and part funny.
Iran more proficient in english than Pakistan? No way! I have been to Iran in the capital Tehran and hardly a few could communicate there in english.
why not grade also natives? I have heard that Finnish English exams are quite hard for native speakers.
How is France moderate lmao. French people are worse English speakers than any third world country out there
Arabs definitely have better English proficiency than Japan
Finland less proficient than Germany? Nice bait.
When i went to Dubrovnik i met plenty of people who couldn’t speak english
Scotland should be orange
Would be funny if only the uk was marked as native, cause technically they are.
I’d be curious for exactly where these cut-offs are for, say, moderate vs high. Ghana, who’s national language & the language of their education is English, being in the same tier as France/Italy/Spain feels off… but I have met folks in the villages of Ghana & S. Europe who don’t speak English, so maybe it’s right on the money 🤷♂️
Map tried so hard to include New Zealand. We should create a new sub with maps with NZ at wrong places.
Native? Mes tabarnaks!
I’d even argue Norway is higher than very high, almost native tbh
I’m French, I can tell you the English proficiency of 80% of people there is almost non-existent.
I only learned it thanks to going to an IB school.
This is just grading people who have taken the EF Standard English Test. I think it would be better to look at the percentage of people in a country who can speak English, instead. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population)