Venedig wurde auf einem Fundament aus etwa 10.000.000 Unterwasserholzstämmen erbaut. 1200 Jahre später stützen dieselben Stämme noch immer fast ganz Venedig. Bevor die Venezianer mit dem Bau der Palazzi an den Kanälen begannen, rammten sie Holzpfähle in den Schlamm

    Von Socmel_


    1. Zestyclose_Pirate890 on

      So the question is, why insist on building a city there, where its not so good, instead of building it in an area that’s better?

    2. I was there recently for the first time and we ventured to a nearby island where the locals and students live. It was such a strange place to choose to live, as the whole surrounded by water thing is a hurdle that all those people have accepted. There isn’t an option to grab a taxi, a bike or a scooter if you’re late somewhere. You have to rely on the public transport system which must be efficient for this city to function.

    3. Same for Amsterdam. They now use concrete but there are still loads and loads of wooden logs under the city.

    4. biffbagwell on

      I imagine that it is all old growth forest wood. Bet it looks amazing milled.

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