Eine Krankenschwester machte ihren Kollegen jahrelang das Leben zur Hölle. Haben ihre Vorgesetzten genug getan?


Von ConorGogarty1


  1. maevewiley554 on

    Bullying is a big in nursing and mangers don’t do anything but turn a blind eye to it. Or they just move them to different departments.

  2. ManufacturerOwn3883 on

    Wow what a toxic person. She was bullying everyone around her for years and was getting away with it. I am thinking about the poor patients who were getting treatment there. It’s highly likely that they were being bullied too.

  3. throwpayrollaway on

    How the hell was she runner up for mental health nurse of the year? Zapping peoples brains and working in an ETC clinic being a massive bitch to everyone is a surprising choice for mental nurse of the year. Mental health nurses do all manner of one to one work. I’ve worked in an ECT suite and it’s more of a physical wheel them in make sure they don’t bite their tongue off and see ya kind of affair.

    I suspect she has ‘friends’ in the management of the hospital. The amount of things over so many years and the nomination for nurse of the year.

  4. ModernAudience on

    But But..I was told all NHS Nurses were angels and latterday Florence Nightingales!

  5. oranges_and_lemmings on

    She’s being allowed to work from home. How can a nurse work from home??

  6. Tricky_Progress_6278 on

    Those teeth….. That haircut……. Karen the
    Asshole nurse

  7. Scr1mmyBingus on

    This will absolutely be downvoted to the bottom but:

    I try to live my life in a way where I don’t get involved in internal disciplinary procedures at work, but if I did, I don’t think it would be fair for it to be the subject of a full news article and my face in the national press *before* I’ve been given the final decision/punishment.

    This is in no way at all meant to diminish the upset that people have felt btw. If she’s done this stuff she should be reprimanded appropriately. But splashing her in the media like this *before* that’s done is just going to undermine that. Do what you like afterwards.

  8. This happens when specialist/senior nurses have a ton of money poured into their training and with the staffing issues in the NHS they become untouchable. (See also Consultants). Managers will not do anything as it’s usually impossible to get rid of them and also they can’t afford to replace them so life becomes hell for anyone that works with them.

  9. boringman1982 on

    Whenever I’ve worked with a woman who insults another woman’s looks/style by calling them a prostitute/slag they always have a certain look about them. Same with men who like to call other men gay/girly they always look the same. I’d hate to be that insecure of a person I have to attack another’s looks to make myself look and feel better.

  10. Comfortable-Yak-7952 on

    Nursing is full of toxic bullies.

    Either salt of the Earth or high school bully bitchy drama queen types.

    Talk about the scales falling off when I eventually worked for our beloved NHS. In every way.

  11. ApplicationCreepy987 on

    I’m always cautious of these “award winning” nurses who go above and beyond. Dig deep and you find naracism and hate for colleagues as they feel they are better than the rest.

  12. My experience of working in the public sector is that it is dog eat dog and once some people make it to manager level feel their only job is to look after number one. Once you finally get out of the trenches you just never want to go back and you cant have anyone else challenging what you do or what happens in your department and under your watch.

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