Wo falsche Informationen die größte Bedrohung darstellen

Von AdIcy4323


  1. UniteEarthforFreedom on

    Why isn’t the whole western world red or orange? Is general misinformation by the government included?

  2. Unlucky_Client_7118 on

    Twitter, Facebook even India’s top media spread fake news and the way they lick their Prime minister.
    They dont report news on real issues

  3. Witty_Celebration_96 on

    Ah yes, Great Britain has a bigger problem with propaganda than Ukraine. 💩

  4. Find 1,489 of the most biased “experts” and get paid to publish a paper supporting the status quo. Not really “research” is it.

  5. FadeWayWay on

    I wish this was more complete, so we could get a more accurate vision. For example: Russia, China, and Israel are widely known to inundate citizens with propaganda

  6. Tarquin_McBeard on

    To those that are confused about 2nd and 3rd:

    It’s not a ranking of which countries are most at risk of false information.

    It’s a ranking of how big a risk false information is compared to other risks.

    So there’s no 2nd or 3rd, because no country had misinformation as their second or third highest risk compared to other risks.

    That’s also why Mexico and the UK are both shown as 11th. Misinformation is in 11th place in both those countries.

    Similarly, the peach colour represents 7th to 10th place. But there are more than four countries coloured in peach. There are ten countries for which false information is their 7th–10th highest risk.

  7. How is this calculated?

    Ireland shows as one of the most at risk in the world but we just had a national election a few weeks ago and nationwide not 1 person who was from extreme left or right was elected. Everyone elected were from mainstream parties and disinformation campaigns failed completely to influence any vote.

    Our incumbent government of the center right actually increased its share of seats.

    Meanwhile in other countries in Europe we see disinformation resulting in a rise in far right and extremists in France, Germany, Romania etc.

    Yet according to this Ireland where disinformation has failed is apparently at a higher risk than countries that can’t form stable governments following elections?

    This info graph and data seems flawed.

  8. >Based on 1490 expert opinions across academia, business, government

    *rolls eyes audibly*

  9. PumpJack_McGee on

    I get the feeling that some of those “Data unavailable” areas might be pretty high up there.

  10. JustGulabjamun on

    Lmao. Country with strongest military where supporters of losing party attacked the capitol is at far lower risk than a country where lower mandate was accepted peacefully.

    Edit: “1490 expert opinions” nevermind!

  11. Dreamfyre_II on

    Source: World Economic Forum

    Opinion discarded 

    The chart basically shows the countries most critical of the Davos demons’ authoritarian plans. 

  12. The larger the population, the easier it is to spread false information and the harder it is to combat misinformation?

  13. TheRealRiebenzahl on

    Ironically, if people rank misinformation in 1st or 2nd place, that could be a good first step of dealing with the issue.

  14. BigPapaSmurf7 on

    What’s your source for this? WEF is extremely broad. The notion that the USA, Rep. Ireland, Norway etc. have more of a problem with false information than THE YEMEN seems absolutely ridiculous.

  15. alpha_dude_3054 on

    This post itself is false information …… or is it (vsauce music)

  16. Poland being one of the least prone to misinformation is a misinformation lmao

  17. ElvishLoreMaster on

    The amount of anti expert shills in these comments is really disturbing.

  18. Yes. China certainly has no problems whatsoever with disinformation. Everything the Party says is True!

  19. abyssDweller1700 on

    1490 expert opinions. Same experts who created the world hunger index, happiness index etc.

  20. So why are Russia and China blank? Do they just have tons of problems more important than misinformation?

  21. DoggedlyOffensive on

    The fact that Israel isn’t on this list is pretty big smoking gun as to who made it imo.

  22. estarararax on

    I just reported to Youtube a week ago a misleading political ad that shows up in Youtube in the Philippines. When I clicked the report button, it said there that the advertiser was from India. Political families here (in the case of the video I reported, the Duterte family), pay these Indian companies to do misinformation campaigns in my country.

  23. That was based on 2023 data. In hindsight they were wrong. It’s much higher, particularly in the US where it is easily #1. Trump could not have been elected without it.

  24. I presume Russia and China don’t rate because it’s an assumed closed system or is it because none of the experts are living there? Seems odd.

    Secondly the map seems to agree with general amounts of misinformation based on what I have researched in local media and state media outlets. However rating this as a live problem without context does not seem possible. Americans will say their big problems are debt or inflation or healthcare or school quality, misinformation will not appear on their test without prompting and explanation so are we including misinformation on elections as well as medicine labels and food claims? Who is doing the fact checking. Meanwhile developing lands use a completely different metric. If you are working today for food today in Myanmar, misinformation is not high on your danger list, by maybe it should be.

    Each misinformation danger profile should be in the context of that country. I don’t agree with the “we need millions” that degrades the data. But experts form each notes area and credentialed would be nice.

    All this to say, you’re onto something here, and theirs room to iterate. I look forward to the 2.0 😀

  25. all i see is that belgium isnt a real country.

    you know, belgium, the one blue country that speaks the same language as the neighbour top 5 county with the same media.

  26. Wonkas_Willy69 on

    Odd that China and Russia aren’t on there AT ALL when the media is state controlled propaganda…… basically all false information…

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