Ethnographische Karte von Österreich-Ungarn (um 1908)

Von adawkin


  1. A couple of days ago someone posted [this ethnographic map of Austria-Hungary, hanging at a Slovenian museum](

    I said to myself, “hey, I know that map”. Now, while there are hundreds of ethnographic maps of Austria-Hungary – whether created back when the country still existed, or by redditors and Deviant-Art-ists in the 2020s – I’m talking about *this very particular* map here.

    Anyway, in case you wanna know, the source is *Meyers Konversations-Lexikon*, sixth edition, published between 1902 and 1908. Which is written at the bottom left of the picture… Except the sneaky people at the museum cut that portion off (don’t worry guys, it is in the public domain 😅 ).

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