Die Kampagne hebt die Risiken des Wanderns im ländlichen Raum hervor und drängt auf ein nationales Wegenetzwerk
Campaign Highlights Rural Walking Risks and Push for National Path Network
Von lobas
Die Kampagne hebt die Risiken des Wanderns im ländlichen Raum hervor und drängt auf ein nationales Wegenetzwerk
Campaign Highlights Rural Walking Risks and Push for National Path Network
Von lobas
Sounds like a good idea to me. If anything “right to roam” type things have been going backwards recently.
While I can think of many stretches of road where this wouldn’t work, I can think of many more where it could easily and cheaply be achieved and in a few cases wouldn’t cost anything to achieve, the only consistent issue would be educating the general public to stay at the edge of the field, not to drop crap everywhere and to keep dogs under control and clear up after their dog despite there already been sheep and cow shit in the field.( Dog shit carries diseases that causes cows and sheep to abort their young)
At this stage are we picturing a strip of mown land to walk along that’s around 2ft (600mm) wide or is it wide enough for cyclists to pass each other without knocking pedestrians over so around 8ft (2400mm) wide with tarmac and markings with anti motorcycle barriers and are there horses on it as well?
Despite the potential issues it’s well worth giving serious consideration even if it’s success depended on a massively expensive education program for both pedestrians and land owners, although the same money could be spent on re-educating motorists and pedestrians on the art of seeing and being seen to achieved a reduction in injuries and deaths.
We might also need to change the fly tipping laws to cover all land, not just council maintained land.
I do alot of rural walking with no paths. 2 main issues at play
1) Some people walk on the wrong side. You walk into oncoming traffic so you can see whats coming.
2) While the majority of motorists are considerate and give you space, you always get some twats who speed past, giving you little room because they can’t be bothered to wait to pass you.
It can be scary walking with no path but it shouldnt be if everyone both pedestrians and motorists are considerate and know how to handle roads with no paths
They tried putting in some pathway/cycling network thing near me. It ended up with them cancelling several sections. Which left a section in the middle where you go over the very expensive bridge they put in and go a few hundred metres then hit a 60mph straight road for like 5 miles. Which you are also on the wrong side of.