Politico: Finnland beschlagnahmt russisches Schiff im Ostseeraum, Estland startet Marinepatrouillen


Von Mykhailo_UA_warrior


  1. Mykhailo_UA_warrior on

    We really need to come together and stand strong against this Russian aggression. It’s not just about one country; it affects all of us in some way.

    Let’s show our support and send a clear message that we won’t back down!

  2. VitunVillaViikset on

    We should just blockade the shit out of russia. Make them use planes or helicopters to move stuff to Kaliningrad

    They threaten us but lack the balls to do anything else but hybrid warfare we could easily combat

    Our nearly useless government thankfully stopped the russian plan to flood the eastern border with immigrants

    We’re also in Nato, we know russia wont attack so why dont we just answer back with the same energy as russia. Only thing they understand is violence and threatning others

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