Die britische Stahlindustrie fordert die Regierung auf, Briten bei der Offshore-Windkraftförderung zu kaufen | Stahlindustrie


Von LordAnubis12


  1. > However, much of that forthcoming demand will be for plate steel, which is not now made at sufficient scale in the UK. Making more in the UK would require investment from private companies that may not be forthcoming without a government pledge to favour British products.

    UK steel industry calls for the government to buy steel that it doesn’t make.

  2. Useful_Resolution888 on

    A few years ago I was doing O+M on a very popular model of Canadian medium-scale wind turbine. The manufacturer declared bankruptcy and left all of the owners and dealers in the UK high and dry and struggling to get insurance. If you know the industry you’ll know which one I’m talking about…

    We had multiple failures of critical steel parts, particularly the bedframes, shafts and hubs, and NDT discovered way more inclusions than there should have been given the original spec of the steel. It appeared likely that the manufacturer had bought a batch of cheap Chinese steel and that their supplier had lied about its quality. It cost the owners thousands and provided us with plenty of work – I know people still in the business of machining new parts to retrofit to keep machines running.

    That’s onshore though, and tiny stuff compared to the modern monsters being installed off the coast. If manufacturers cheap out on steel, or buy from manufacturers when they can’t verify the quality of the product, a similar problem would cost millions further down the line. It’s absolutely scandalous that we haven’t managed to develop a domestic wind industry over the past 20 years – who else remembers the blade factory on the Isle of Wight being shut down?

  3. Dominoscraft on

    My boss buys all his mild steel from china pre cut, square bar, round bar, threaded bars, hardened steel tubes.

  4. Don’t be silly, buying British means British industry and British industry means British pollution! We need to import everything so we’ve got the moral high ground of negligible pollution contributions when global warming becomes irreversible. God forbid our economy actually adds value to anything

  5. Our commitment to open markets and free trade is, unlike most countries, so complete that we won’t give “British orders to British workers”. Even if it’s an industry that has strategic value.

    Being a trading nation has been really good for us for a lot of history, and we’ve typically been able to compete domestically too, so it’s understandable, but in my opinion it’s a mistake. Large scale UK government projects should, as well as completing the project, consider investment in UK industry to be part of their purpose.

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