Armut in Europa

Von Tanatos24


  1. Big_Manner_6883 on

    W Visegrad countries for having the lowest poverty in Europe 🇨🇿🇵🇱🇸🇰🇭🇺

  2. I am very confused by the classification of countries into regions. Like grouping the Baltics into central Europe is really skewing the statistics of the whole region, combined with the fact that for some reason, Luxembourg is also central Europe, even though usually, the Benelux is classified as western Europe.

  3. Primary-Shoe-3702 on

    Completely useless without providing the used definition of poverty and without specifying how all the different quoted sources were used/combined.

  4. Big-Selection9014 on

    Including all the Caucasus countries but not mighty Kazakhstan 😤🇰🇿

  5. Horror-Indication-92 on

    The only thing I see is in the bottom left corner:

    “48.8% BATMAN”

  6. Horror-Indication-92 on

    Anyway, Hungary is the poorest in the whole Europe, so I don’t understand the map.

  7. martian-teapot on

    Is there a reason why that parts of Western Ukraine perform so bad? I thought that the East was poorer (because of the war). Russia’s Northwest seems counter-intuitive as well (Novgorod and Pskov doing worse than its neighboring oblasts).

    I also thought Croatia would do better and didn’t know Transylvania/Banat were richest (at least according to this) parts of Romania.

    By the way, the title says Europe, but also includes provinces (or some other subdivision) located in Asia (in the case of Tuva, for example).

  8. JourneyThiefer on

    Are the UK rates just based on fuel poverty? The top left just says fuel poverty statistics 2023 from Gov.Uk or is that just one of things used for working out the UK rate?

  9. Odd-Willingness7107 on

    What is the red and white flag under “western”. I have never seen this flag before. Is it one of those little places somewhere between France and Germany?

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