Also fahre ich hinter diesem Jungen her, hole ihn an der Warteschlange für den Sessellift ein und frage, wo in Irland er herkommt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass er für das oben erwähnte amerikanische College Ski fährt. Dann ist mir das kleine TM nach Irish aufgefallen? Scheint seltsam, dass sie das Wort „Irisch“ als Marke für die Beschreibung einer Mannschaft verwenden könnten, oder nicht?
Von heartfullofsomething
They have for their College branding
[The University’s trademarks include “Notre Dame,” “University of Notre Dame,” “Fighting Irish,” “Irish,” “ND,” and “What Would You Fight For?” as well as icons such as the leprechaun, the shamrock, the monogram, the University’s seals, and the depiction of the Dome.](
Any gobshite can use the TM thing. It’s practically meaningless
hey i don’t mind them trade marking Irish but as the founding company i think we should be getting Royalties for Namesake
Cultural appropriation. Lets sue them.
They are just ignorant and rude
Their ice ice hockey team came to Belfast recently. They were told not to weat the colour green in Belfast or anything with Irish symbols on it in a social media post. It backfired quite a bit hahaha.
Do we get royalties?
Is their trademark on the word Irish only applicable on American university items?
Because if it’s a US only trademark we can trademark it here and own the EU rights. Then slap it on hats and shirts and such.
I still want to know what an American university named after a French cathedral has anything to do with Ireland…
The Fighting Irish really refers to the Gridiron football team, one of the most prestigious in the history of the sport. It was coined by journalists and was a compliment at the time, but sure, hating yanks is a much more effective way to get up votes..
The college was founded by a group of Irish immigrants. There is an official branch in Dublin and the school’s merch is sold in like every single tourist area on the island.
Jesus, there’s so much misinformation in this thread about Notre Dame it’s as if the university’s own PR department wrote half the comments.
They were called the Fighting Irish way before their stand against the KKK in 1924, so the name does not come from that. In fact, they were only mad at the KKK because it was anti-Catholic. They didn’t even let Black students enroll until the 1940s.
They weren’t started by Irish immigrants either. They were started by Holy Cross fathers from France.
Nobody really knows how they got the nickname. Most likely Irish was just synonymous with Catholic. They certainly were not named after the 69th regiment with the same nickname because those fellows came from New York City. That’s a long way from South Bend Indiana.