Ein Mann aus Wexford, der auf einen Bürgerwehr-„Stich“ hereinfiel und versuchte, ein Mädchen sexuell auszubeuten, wurde zu einer Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt
Von PoppedCork
So disappointing no real punishment
Strictly speaking he never communicated with a child though, and just with an adult.
I find these vigilante groups difficult to stomach, although I can understand why some people feel the need to be part of them.
Build more prisons!!
Bet he’s in the GAA or something
Good job they charged that woman for a fivers worth of weed a few weeks back. Keeping our streets safe!
Fucking hell, this is dreadful!
Suspended sentences are only implemented to enable the governments inability to provide adequate prison space at the expense of human lives.
Only thing suspended should be his neck from the rafters. Forget prison and the like. Only good predator is a dead one.
Shame he didn’t have any weed on him.