Ein russischer Eindringling präsentierte stolz sein „Panzerfahrzeug“ UAZ-452 (auch bekannt als „Loaf“), nur um kurz darauf mitanzusehen, wie es zerstört wurde



    1. Mobile_Macaron_3951 on

      “bulletproof glass will fly right the fuck off the rivets and split someone in half when a drone flies near it” is what i wrote right before the video transitioned to that shit on fire lmao

    2. EstablishmentCute703 on

      Rubber armour… those unlucky guys back at the field workshop will have to make a new one. It will take those poor souls countless hours, not being able to serve at the front…dang.

    3. TypicalBloke83 on

      Plywood and wire as anti drone … lol. They can roll it and shove it deep into their asses – will cause less damage than drone hit.

    4. FlamingFlatus64 on

      A loaf cleverly disguised as a shrubbery can still become toast.

    5. Mental_Sentence_6411 on

      Well when you presume chicken wire to be an anti drone system you got issues 😉🔥

    6. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them…
      maybe you can hire The Z-Team.”

    7. The whole concept upon which this monstrosity was built is just plain wrong. What destroys these véhicules is not shrapnel in most cases, it is a focused melting metal at 8000 Celsius degrees propelled at 8 to 10 km/s.
      The shaped charge of a widely available RPG7 develops an insane pressure of up to 300GPa, which is 3 million times the pressure of air at sea level,or 1500 times the pressure of an hydraulic press…Well, then rubber…maybe not 🤭.
      Even reinforced by a stolen Ukrainian washing machine, it still would not work. Try again

    8. fortuna_audaci on

      Their new armor isn’t going to work for the reasons already listed, but I don’t think these are the same vans. The front cage is different (the destroyed one has a sloping structure).

    9. bugdiver050 on

      So the purpose of the netting is for when it is stationary? Because i dont think it will hide the car that well if it is moving, it will more likely pull the attention of anything with eyes or a camera

    10. Own-Opinion-2494 on

      Wow. Hard to believe the 13th largest economy in the planet can’t build a better war machine. Italy is 12th

    11. Adventurous-Yam-8260 on

      “The Victory” subtitle at the end made me laugh out loud.

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