Mann stirbt, nachdem er im County Meath von einem Auto angefahren wurde

Von siciowa


  1. Bill_Badbody on

    I’m sure the RSA must be happy with how much money they managed to funnel to portwest over the years, meanwhile attempting at all times of absolving drivers of all responsibility.

    And today again like yesterday, no mention if the driver was arrested or questioned, because we know the answer is likely they aren’t.

    But don’t worry, wear your portwest/RSA hi viz 24/7 and drivers may think about possibly following the rules of the road.

  2. Flower Hill here in Navan. Passed it a few mins ago. Still cordened off.

  3. susanboylesvajazzle on

    At what point do we need to accept the standard of Irish drivers needs to be improved? No amount of TV adverts or high vis vests will stop this.

    Driver standards need to be improved and the penalties for unsafe driving strongly increased.

  4. SmokingOctopus on

    Tragically sad. Really another aspect of why we need better public transport

  5. Legitimate-Leader-99 on

    Shocking, everyday another death, no road policing at all .

  6. rossitheking on

    Something needs to be done.

    Like hire more guards with a better salary if needed, build prisons and expand templemore college so there’s more guards on the roads enforcing the law and observing bad driving.

    But wait, 40% of the country voted FFG who didn’t do any of this over the past 8 years together.

    Blame your parents generation. They have fucked everything and this country is fucked.

  7. need a lot more Gardai. not enough on the roads. higher wages required. also guards behind screens for most of the day now is the simple reality

  8. Reddynever on

    The media still have this ridiculous notion that these cars that are killing all these people seem to do so without any sort of human control.
    With the increase in deaths on our roads they need to cop the fuck on and start saying people were killed by a person who happened to be driving a car.

  9. Lot of people giving out in here, and I am not saying that’s right or wrong. However I am familiar with the street this happened on and most things point to this being an an awful accident.

    First this isn’t a hit and run, Flower Hill, earns it’s name it’s it’s incredibly steep, and quite slow. It’s a one way with traffic only going up the hill, it’s also notorious for jay walking. There is only one turn off on the hill before it’s ends at a roundabout at the Round O.

    If I had to hazard a guess the victim most likely stepped out onto the road giving the driver no time to react, and/or it occured at the pedestrian crossing, which as I said is still notorious for jaywalking and features a bit of a blind turn..

    All in all a very tragic accident for all involved

  10. Oh_I_still_here on

    6 people killed on the roads since Monday.

    I’m not the only one thinking it, but I’ve seen too many people drunk driving this Christmas and it’s no surprise it’s getting people killed.

    If you’re after having a few drinks then go to your car, you’re a piece of shite and deserve to have your licence revoked. You’re an enormous threat to public safety. Call a fucking taxi, ring someone for a lift or walk.

  11. Reddynever on

    We need an online portal to post videos that police forces use effectively the world over to prosecute drivers.

    We all know there’s practically no road traffic enforcement in Ireland, but with the high volume of dash cams amongst the public the fear of your dangerous driving being caught on camera daily would be a particularly good deterrent.

    But the RSA and Gardai have no interest in implementing it.

  12. MoggyFluffyDevilKat on

    We are one of the only countries in Europe where the death rate on the roads went up last year. And not by a little, either. By over 30%. We are a bunch of children who need a firm hand on the roads.

  13. I don’t know what the stats are on dangerous driving, but I have to say that anecdotally I’ve noticed a huge uptick in people running red lights (and I don’t mean squeezing through at the end), driving aggressively, texting while driving or watching videos.

  14. TypicallyThomas on

    Alternative headline: Man killed by driver in Co Meath. Why are these headlines always trying their hardest to avoid assigning blame to the driver?

  15. JustPutSpuddiesOnit on

    They had  a campaign in France a few years ago, it was terrifying. Every area there was a road death, they put a white silhouette of a man, woman, or child that died at the scene. 
    Scary how many were on every road in every village and on the motorways.
    They were taken down  the year or so after. It was nearly distracting because you just kept seeing them.

  16. Fabulous_Complex_357 on

    This seems to happen every Christmas holidays. Are people just drunk driving? The amount this year is shocking.

  17. TobeConfirmd on

    I was on the M4 yesterday and the amount of dangerous driving was insane. One car was swerving side to side. Had to stay well behind for fear they’d hit into me if I overtook. A van swung up behind me overtook at speed and then went in front of me and hit the brakes hard as there was a smaller car in front of me they obviously hadn’t seen. I was going just under 120 and so many cars were flying past me. I was genuinely terrified to be on the road.

  18. It would never happen because of politics but people should be resitting their driver’s test or a refresher test once every five years and probably more frequently after you hit 60.

    Honestly, I can’t play a video game the way I could when I was 20, yet you pass your test once and that’s it 

  19. Another bloodthirsty car killing a pedestrian on its own accord. Or so the headline would lead you to believe

  20. I drive on this Flower Hill regularly. It’s far from what I would call hazardous.

    Old man driver hitting an old pedestrian. I hate blaming the age, but the age is most likely a big factor.

    400m from Flower Hill my mother was driving and slowing down at the pedestrian crossing. Suddenly she got hit in the back by a elderly driver. Thankfully nobody was injured. The old man “mixed up” pedals and had a slow reaction to regain control.

    Elderly drivers can be as bad as drunk drivers. We are too polite to address that.

  21. Holiday_Wealth1088 on

    I damn nearly ran a guy over last night. A Dublin village. Wearing black at night. Hammered with his mates and he just stepped out in front of me. Even at slow speeds my old Skoda could do serious damage. Yes the standard of driving is worse than ever but young fellas particularly seem to think they have the magical ability to stop moving vehicles by will.

  22. under-secretary4war on

    Everyone knows what needs to be done- as is v clear in the comments. More police, actual enforcement, repeat tests (I would say for all licence holders) and also a cultural change for drivers and pedestrians about screens and focus. Pedestrians need to understand that they have an obligation the be aware too- but there is no doubt that since Covid drivers are both more distracted, and more selfish in their driving. Pretty big problem but solvable if there was political and civic will.

  23. Active_Site_6754 on

    Drink a Drug driving…..or on the phone!!

    It can’t be anything else.

  24. Looks like it happened on the bridge itself which is quite well lit in comparison to the rest of Flower Hill. At a guess, I’d say the pedestrian was probably crossing the road, and probably wearing dark clothing as most peoole do and driver just didn’t see him. Poor man.

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