Cool anzusehen

Von canadianbillsfan0


  1. CatDaddy9536 on

    I was in Paris a few years back, why is it so much warmer there than in Minnesota?

  2. SpikeTheRight on

    Longitude. It’s North America superimposed on Europe and North Africa at the same longitude. It shows how they have the same latitudes.

  3. Europe is way warmer. I’ve never been in Canada but judging by Google Street View, southern coastline of Hudson bay is not the best place to live. But my Lithuania is quite densely populated and very liveable. Even now in December, it’s +2 outside.

  4. Shylablack on

    I live right under the ‘M’ of the uk. Which shares the same latitude as a place in Canada called Grande Prairie, its -11° 😮 amazing to see how much the Caribbean jet streams warms up the uk. Would prefer snow and colder weather.

  5. I always thought that London and Glasgow were the Calgary and Edmonton of the UK

  6. how do so many people live in Scandinavia when Canada that far north is completely barren. I understand that they have been there expanding longer, and it’s warmer cause of the Atlantic heat flow, but even so. Is a fjord just a good place to live?

  7. drunk-coon on

    Looks like America is at roughly the same latitude as the Roman Empire 

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