McDonald sagt, Micheál Martin sei in der Frage „Vereinigtes Irland“ „scheu“. Der Niedergang von Sinn Féin habe die Chancen der irischen Einheit nicht geschmälert, sagt der Sinn Féin-Führer

Von 1DarkStarryNight


  1. Important_Farmer924 on


    same shite, different day

  2. flex_tape_salesman on

    Don’t think it’d be much of an issue if they weren’t masquerading as the Republican party lmao.

  3. locksymania on

    I mean, sure, but it’s _easy_ for SF to say that safe in the knowledge that they are under no risk of having to do anything other than hurl from the Ditch on the subject.

    I’d agree with her on the second point, though probably not for the reasons she thinks. For a UI to happen, a goodly chunk of the contested middle (let’s be lazy and call them APNI’s broad base) must break for unity. That only happens if SF acts carefully as part of a pro-unity coalition.

  4. cinclushibernicus on

    I’m sure it will strike a chord with the diehard republicans, but the overwhelming majority of the electorate couldn’t give a shit about a United Ireland. Can’t imagine it comes up on the doorstep all that often, outside of maybe the border constituencies

  5. Mary Lou would be well advised to quieten down a bit. The whole unity campaign point did not really work out too well for the shinners in the recent election. The typical voter doesn’t care bear giving the topic lip service when asked directly about it.

    Rather they care about things that affect them in their daily lives, like immigration, free speech, public services, health service, waiting lists et cetera et cetera.

    Let Sinn Fein run a couple of sequential assemblies up North and show the public that they can be effective in government. The couple of years time the demographics of those wanting a border poll in Northern Ireland would have shifted so much that it cannot be ignored.

  6. Lazy thing to complain about by SF. They’ve accepted they are going into opposition and are taking stupid PR cheap shots like this instead of using their position to raise actual issues for FF to answer ahead of forming a government.

  7. Environmental_Net709 on

    Jesus Christ just give it up, she has nothing to say other than this nonsense.

  8. Alwaysname on

    Well it’ll happen when it happens. But it ain’t no world peace issue. There’s bigger fish to fry around now and if she keeps harping on about this then she’s lost.

  9. Every time SF shout “Brits Out!”, they make Irish unity harder.

  10. Gerry behaving like the only people who want a united Ireland vote Sinn Féin.

    I want a united Ireland but I won’t vote for any party that behaves as unprofessionally as them and I just do not think of them as a revolutionary enterprise when they hide stuff from our government and state, that’s just criminal.

    I read Gerry’s letter this week complaining about his and SFs continued portrayal as militant by the IT, and failure to recognize their continued ‘working for peace’…

    What is SF doing to work for peace and push for unity? Running northern Ireland as poorly as the DUP, having no climate policy/ pushing oil company lines, and turning a bit racist in the Republic? Not seeing the master plan myself

  11. Jester-252 on

    Mary Lou heard Liz talking shite about the Orange Order and is jumping on the topic

  12. IntentionFalse8822 on

    There is zero chance a vote on a United Ireland passes by 2030. The social, economic and political realities all mitigate against it. 2040 maybe but not in 5 years. And if we lose a decisive vote in 2030 it will be a generation before it will be run again. So in that regard Martin is more sensible and committed to a United Ireland than Mary Lou. In fact the more she insists on holding an early referendum that is destined to fail the more I think she is a closet unionist.

  13. ghostofgralton on

    Subtext here is that FF under Martin has moderated its republicanism to the point it’s ceased to be the ‘republican party’ in any meaningful sense.

    That’s a problem when it used to be a core part of the party’s ethos and identity. SF probably believe this has opened a flank to attack and peel off some support from FF.

  14. Let’s unite Ireland … And then open the borders to any yahoo who rocks up after destroying their documents, followed by doling out citizenships like they’re smarties – after years of social welfare.

    Sunn Féin leadership are amadáns … They want to draw from the well of nationalism when it suits them, whilst simultaneously foregoing what it actually means in practise to be nationalist.

    Who do they think they are codding ?

    It’s like the cheapest issue they have, the last resort when they’re shitting the bed in every other respect … Just wheel out the United Ireland rhetoric, even though they’re pissing on the shoes of anyone for whom that is a voting issue significant enough to sway their vote.

  15. dropthecoin on

    Mary Lou has now spoken about united ireland 2 or 3 times since the election. It’s almost like she knows she needs to say something nowadays to be heard but doesn’t want to talk about the election or normal politics given the way the election went for them. And raising this stuff just keeps the party elders happy.

  16. The best way to attract people in the north to vote for a united Ireland and to make it work without major issues is by giving a clearly better alternative in a successful ROI. If they focus on their immediate task and do it well, the rest will become very obvious that the time is right when it comes.

  17. Jean_Rasczak on

    If anyone wants a United Ireland the last party they should vote for is Sinn Fein who are more interested in bickering with anyone and everyone both sides of the border instead of trying to trying to build bridges.

    Sinn Fein are one of the biggest blockers

    The cross border projects which the government has started and hopefully continue is the best way forward

  18. bingybong22 on

    Indont care about a united ireland. I care about public sector reform and affordable housing. I also care about cleaning up our streets.

    Solve these and Ill join the fucking Orange order

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