Mordermittlung, nachdem der 37-jährige Heldenvater am Weihnachtstag vor dem Blackburn Pub niedergeschlagen und getötet wurde

Von pppppppppppppppppd


  1. Friendly_Fall_ on

    Every news story out of Blackburn makes it sound rough as fuck

  2. How horrific. Can you imagine your partner and father of your kids going out for a few drinks and never coming home?

    You’d never got to say goodbye, kids never got a last hug. And you’re trying to make sense of why it happened, and there just isn’t any. A fight outside a pub? How do you reconcile losing your partner, son, father and uncle to such pettiness?

    RIP Kirk. Thinking of you and your family

  3. Remedial_Gash on

    “Increased reassurance patrols in the area”, what the hell does that mean?

    I’m glad that the ‘hero’ bit was a quote from the family and not a general narrative; getting killed by very questionable types after a fight outside a pub is hardly heroic.

  4. CrustyBappen on

    The UK is in a tragic state. I wonder if they’ll manage to get the gypo responsible

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