Seit 2018 haben mehr als 150.000 Migranten in kleinen Booten den Ärmelkanal nach Großbritannien überquert

Von topotaul


  1. socratic-meth on

    > More than 150,000 migrants have arrived in the UK after crossing the English Channel in small boats since 2018.

    Is this going to be the de facto story on slow news days? X amount of migrants have arrived since [arbitrary date].

  2. rolanddeschain316 on

    I reckon 3 thousand of them are walking around Wigan, Bolton and St Helens town centres. (I’ve not ventured far this year!)

  3. Amazing_Battle3777 on

    The number will be much higher as individuals who make it claim asylum for their families. The rate of asylum applications is usually 20-50% more than the amount of boat migrants per year.

    This is the actual number people need to look at.

    There were 67,337 asylum applications (relating to 84,425 people) in the UK in 2023, 17% lower than the number of applications in 2022 (81,130 applications, relating to 99,939 people). As shown in figure 1, the latest number of applications is 20% lower than the previous peak in 2002 (84,132 applications).,in%202002%20(84%2C132%20applications).

    Some stats worth reviewing.

  4. KumSnatcher on

    Inb4 someone says “it’s only 2% of the population so it’s no Biggie”

  5. lostandfawnd on

    Hang on, aren’t people shouting that it’s 1.5million this year alone?

    Six years

    This is fuck all

  6. Dynamite_Chicken on

    Wigan, Bolton, St Helens were shitholes anyway, at least someone new will appreciate them 🙃

  7. JuanFran21 on

    This… is a lot less than I thought it would be. 150k making the crossing over 6 years is nothing (about 25k a year, 2k a month). Especially when considering how many of those actually remain in the UK and aren’t deported after their asylum claims are processed.

    When we had something like 900k net (legal) migration last year alone… it just tells me that the small boats problem has been vastly overexaggerated by the media and right-wing pundits.

  8. obinice_khenbli on

    Migrants, headline? That’s not very specific. Do you mean legal migrants, illegal immigrants, or perhaps those legally arriving by small boat seeking asylum?

    Are you perhaps subtly trying to tar all three of those very different groups with the same brush through clever omissions in this and other headlines over time, mr headline? hmm?

  9. Salty_Nutbag on

    Ah, another migrant story.
    It really is Groundhog day on this sub, isn’t it.

    Are we still in the ‘Punching Ned’ phase,
    or have we moved on to electrocuting ourselves in the bath?

  10. Disillusioned_Pleb01 on

    Tory acquaintance in the know, says, it’s all labour’s fault.

  11. Necessary-Product361 on

    That is less than the amount of Ukranian refugees that have come since 2022 or HongKong refugees since 2021, yet i don’t see the media talking about them every single day as if it is one of the major problems this country faces.

  12. SinisterPixel on

    “Struggling working class! Look at these migrants! They’re the reason you’re all suffering! Do not pay attention to the wealth being hoarded by the rich! That’s unimportant!”

  13. andymaclean19 on

    All we ever hear is about the raw numbers. It’s easy to quote a big sounding number and get everyone to start armwaving, but I would like some context from these articles. For example

    – how many legal migrants came here over the same period?
    – what happened to the 150000? How many are still in the UK and why?
    – how many of them applied for asylum, how many were granted/rejected? How many of them have not been processed yet?

  14. 150,000 doctors, nurses & engineers in addition to the 5m legal migrants per parliamentary term

    Amazing how there’s a constant shortage of all those roles

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