Königin Elizabeth kritisiert die Marschsaison des Oranier-Ordens, wie staatliche Zeitungen enthüllen


Von CoochieCritic


  1. Altruistic_Papaya430 on

    Imagine basing your whole identity on loyalty to someone who actually doesn’t give a shite… be absolutely ragin!!!!!

  2. MayorMinge on

    “silly marching season”

    That’s got to sting for those bitter orange bigots

  3. The head of the country you want to be part of is like “what are those losers at?”. I can’t even imagine what that feels like.

  4. But they were marching for you, Lizzy. Their were your biggest fans.

  5. ShouldHaveGoneToUCC on

    Reminds me of Thatcher who was such a right wing ideologue that even Lizzy was revolted by her.

  6. indicator_enthusiast on

    Imagine the next Orange Order march has them singing “Lizies in a box”.

  7. dropthecoin on

    People here hate Elizabeth but history is being favourable to her.

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