Bord na Móna wurde kritisiert [Brazilian] Hackschnitzelimport

Von badger-biscuits


  1. Important_Farmer924 on

    Damn sexy Brazilian wood chips, coming here taking all our fires.

  2. TraditionalAppeal23 on

    I don’t see the problem with this. They source most of the wood chips from Ireland, and whatever is too expensive or not the right type they source abroad. This is all for Edenderry power station, a small power station that used to run on turf. I suspect this is what most complainers are really mad about (though not the specific groups in this article), that the power station doesn’t run on turf anymore. Compare this to Drax, the largest power station in the UK which imports almost all it’s wood chips from the US.

  3. Barnocious on

    There’s no real news here….

    “When the remaining biomass required cannot be acquired locally due to volume and suitability constraints, it is supplemented with material sourced internationally as a result.”

  4. sureyouknowurself on

    >We should not be bringing biomass from South America so we ourselves can feel virtuous in terms of reducing our carbon emissions. Our focus should be on energy efficiency and renewable energy and if there is a place for biomass material it should be sourced domestically as opposed to anywhere else.

    >That’s not real green energy. Real green energy needs to be indigenous and sustainable and not depending on dragging material across the Atlantic by ship. So the whole thing is the most ungreen and unstainable form of energy and ‘greenwash’ is the only way to describe it

    Seems like very reasonable comments.

    Do we know the actual source of the wood chips? Be horrible if it’s felled trees from the Amazon.

  5. Such_Bass8088 on

    Ah listen, this story came out just before Christmas where it was hoped it would get lost in the media, hold yer fire for another week at least. It does of course need to be addressed but the timing of this story means there’s something more to it….

  6. fifi_la_fleuf on

    Fuck me, are we burning imported parts of the rainforest in our sittings rooms so?

  7. Potential-Drama-7455 on

    All of those saying it’s efficient and a non story, why not just convert all our existing power to this source?

  8. oneeyedman72 on

    Lumley and An Taisce proven the stopped clock theory – he’s a clown who would love to see us all sitting in the dark, but he’s not wrong in this one.

    How much dirty crude oil was burned hauling this ship from Brazil? Fair carbon emissions there. I’ve said a long time ago that Bord na Mona would have done less damage to the environment if they had built they diesel fired powerstation years ago. They have burned millions of gallons of fuel draining bogs, transporting peat over and back, milling peat, etc etc. And now transporting biomass to supplement biomass station here? Would have been better leaving the bogs alone and burn an effeciant oil fired station.

  9. stuyboi888 on

    Question, does the fuel burned by the vehicles that transport it to the ship, then the ship transporting it then the lorries that bring it to the plant get added to the carbon emissions? 

  10. Reaver_XIX on

    In years we will look back on this and know how stupid this is, but for now we have to do mental gymastics to justify it. A lot like the big push for everyone to move to Diesel cars, ‘clean diesel’, call out the Nox, Sox and particulate from those cars at the time and you would be called a troglodyte. “How could anyone have known”

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