Nach dem raschen Zusammenbruch des Assad-Regimes steht der Kreml vor dem möglichen Verlust seiner Militärstützpunkte im Nahen Osten. Es ist klar, dass Russland seinen Verbündeten keine angemessene militärische Unterstützung und kein Wirtschaftswachstum bieten kann, was Regime, die einst auf russische Unterstützung angewiesen waren, dazu veranlasste, ihre Positionen zu überdenken.


    1. Single-Present-9042 on

      Putin’s great bluff. The world can now see how weak and fragile Russia is. Russia’s day of reckoning is coming .

    2. Tight-Reward816 on

      Putin is already told to leave in 5 days. That was like 4 days ago. Meanwhile the new government in Syria gave some truckloads of chemical weapons, USA took back the base they built after leaving bc Trump, took out air defense assets, and Israel bombed the heck out of munitions depots, military equipment, and aircraft remaining. We ain’t leaving bc the Kurds. Hopefully Israel works out a zone of sorts of a protectorate for the Druze. Hopefully the World Seed Bank still has some seed left of over 100 separate ancient grains, and there are enough farmers left that understand the myriad of micro-climates to replant and have extra to ship out through the port. Swords into plowshares and all that. 😉.
      Conntact them here:

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