Ein ukrainischer Soldat erbeutet Gegenstände von einem gefallenen russischen Soldaten in der Nähe seines Schützengrabens. Bei der Beute handelt es sich offenbar um Zigarettenschachteln, Tüten voller Bounty-Schokoriegel und andere Geräte.



    1. Did they send him straight out of the hospital with a broken wrist?

    2. Kimchi_Cowboy on

      Fucking Russians love Bounty Bars. My babushka used to have us send her boxes of them.

    3. Damn, the russians must be pissed that the guy with snacks and cigarettes did not make it.

    4. MaleficentResolve506 on

      Looks like the Mars company does good business in Russia.

    5. AcrobaticTiger9756 on

      So poorly treated, even their chocolate is the bar no one else wants.

    6. Helpful_Judge2580 on

      Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦🇬🇧🤘✌️❤️

    7. MiawHansen on

      Lol sending a soldier straight to the front with broken arms.
      Next up: Russia sending a new wheelchair squad to storm the front!

    8. One thing about this war is I presume the Ukraine removes the bodies of there fallen and get a proper send off, I can’t even imagine why the Russians keep going when they know there body won’t even be returned and they be eaten by the dogs.

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