Ein russischer Soldat erlitt durch einen Drohnenangriff eine schwere Beinverletzung, ein anderer Soldat versteinerte, als er das Geräusch der Drohne hörte, und zwei weitere, die keine Ahnung hatten, dass die Drohne sie treffen würde (414. Marine Strike UAV Brigade „Birds of Madyar“) )



  1. abeastandajerk on

    These dudes got to be mentally retarded to be out in the open like this.. Shit makes no sense

  2. minkey-on-the-loose on

    I don’t know if ‘severe’ adequately describes the leg injury. But it may be a translation thing.

  3. Smart-Damage-6647 on

    So you’re saying the “make like a statue while your two buddies shoot down the drone” strategy DOESN’T work? 🤔

  4. RevolutionaryAge47 on

    Sitting here, enjoying fine coffee, with intact legs. Life is good when you aren’t invading another country, trying to kill their people and steal their stuff.

  5. ConservativebutReal on

    I would say the leg hanging by one remaining tendon is a little more than severe – yikes!

  6. Waste-Oil-279 on

    Guy with groin protection, crawling and dragging a severed lower leg.. Seems about right.

  7. freestyle786 on

    I thought dude was going to try and stand-up… I was like no f’in way.

  8. sneaky-pizza on

    That other post where they revealed a NK training diary of a soldier advised to “stand still because drones see movement” is the most f’d up end-result of inept training I can even think of.

    Their superiors know it’s a sacrificial move, designed to sacrifice one, and let the others run. But they still tell their soldiers that, like Jurassic Park and the T Rex. What a sad thing.

  9. QuestionablePersonx on

    It looks like the guy turned stone got blown off in half. His bottom half was visible, but I’m not sure the top half was still attached. Maybe he just had long legs

  10. Umbra-Vigil on

    The rusky went into wabbit mode standing still in the middle of a flat field.

  11. johfajarfa on

    I now understand what the below means

    1. Legs turned to jelly

    2. Hiding in plain sight

  12. Lukester09 on

    I’m curious what the kg and type of warhead these are. These really had some punch. Much more power than most of the small FPV drone.

  13. Lowreshires on

    You could see how fast those shrapnel travel at around 2:09, very lethal.

  14. Lopsided_Quarter_931 on

    Potentially dumb question but how does it feel like when you lower legs gets blown off? I understand there is an adrenalin rush intially, does it make you not feel any pain? How long until it wears off and is it just an 11 out of 10 pain afterwards?

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