Von Abwärme zu Quanteninnovation: Weiterentwicklung der Spintronik – Illinois State University – Was wäre, wenn die von Autos, Fabriken und sogar Ihrem Laptop erzeugte Abwärme genutzt werden könnte, um die nächste Generation energieeffizienter Quantencomputer zu realisieren?

From waste heat to quantum innovation: Advancing spintronics

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  1. From the article

    >The team led by Dr. Justin Bergfield, associate professor of physics, undergraduate researcher Runa Bennett, and AFRL senior research scientist Dr. Joshua Hendrickson has uncovered how quantum interference—a phenomenon where particles behave like waves and either reinforce or cancel each other—can efficiently generate a “spin-voltage” to control the flow of quantum information. Their findings, published in the prestigious [*ACS Nano*](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsnano.4c01297), have the potential to revolutionize energy conversion technologies and enable a wide range of quantum information devices.

    Also from the article

    >The team utilized Illinois State’s High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster to conduct advanced simulations of circuits composed of metal electrodes connected to single molecules—systems that their collaborators have successfully built and measured.

    >“Modeling how spin and charge flow in molecule-based devices requires tackling the quantum many-body problem,” said Bergfield. “This involves predicting the behavior of approximately 10²³ interacting electrons—roughly as many as there are stars in the universe. Although solving this problem completely is rarely feasible, we have crafted computational and mathematical techniques that, much like peeling back layers of an onion, have uncovered behaviors that are both surprising and rich with potential for future technologies.”

    >This advancement paves the way for innovations in quantum computing, secure communication, and energy recovery.

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