Muslimische Bevölkerung in Asien (%)

Von ExcitingNeck8226


  1. ExcitingNeck8226 on

    Source: [](

    Asia is home to 67% of the world’s total Muslim population with many of these nations being predominately Muslim.

    The most Muslim countries in Asia are:

    1. Maldives (100%)
    2. Afghanistan (99.7%)
    3. Iran (99.4%)
    4. Tajikistan (97.9%)
    5. Palestine (97.5%)

    The least Muslim countries in Asia are:

    1. Laos (<0.1%)
    2. North Korea (<0.1%)
    3. Japan (0.1%)
    4. South Korea (0.1%)
    5. Timor-Leste (0.1%)

  2. ExtensionPure4187 on

    Ah yes, 10-50%! Theyre either a minority or the majority, genius map design

  3. denyer-no1-fan on

    I’m sure the colour scheme is chosen with no ulterior motive!

  4. CoryTrevor-NS on

    I don’t know what’s funnier, the colour scheme or the 10-50% range.

  5. Syrixs-Selexis on

    I often read though that in the Gulf states and Iran there is a high percentage of atheists that haven’t been factored in here. Iran specifically, if I was to guess maybe 30% Muslim and 70% Atheist or other religions in Iran. But that is a guess.

  6. Mundane-Amount2385 on

    Now let’s compare HDIs of both Japan and Afghanistan 😂…

  7. ExpensiveMention8781 on

    On top of the massive interval op chose the color scheme was cherry on top of this shit cake.

  8. Stellar_quasar on

    I don’t know a lot about religions… but I can tell you no one want to live in red and purple region, probably because religion ruined their countries.

  9. byzantinedefender on

    What the fuck is wrong with yellow, blue and green? What is this blatant islamophobia?!!!

  10. AnxiousSeat1221 on

    I have questions ! :

    -Why does Armenia have such a low percentage of Muslims ? Are Christian Armenians mostly enclaved in their own borders ? Did demographics of this country change recently, by population exchanges for exemple, or has it been the homeland of only Christian Armenians for centuries ?

    -I don’t understand the percentage of Muslims being less than 90% in the gulf petrostates, (aren’t they supposed to be zealots ?) is it counting the foreign workforce, or maybe rich investors coming to live there ?

    Feel free to enlighten me, links welcomed 🙂

  11. It’s funny. Turkey, Pakistan and Iraq didn’t have a 90% muslim majority even 40 years ago.

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