Europa laut meiner Großmutter (raten Sie mal ihre Nationalität)

Von nbbandholm


  1. unhinged to say that ONLY the Republic of Ireland (not even the whole island) and England are western Europe. I can’t get past that to look at the rest of this map.

  2. Perkeleen_Kaljami on

    In what universe are Luxembourg, Monaco and Vatican City Eastern European countries?

  3. Extension_Canary3717 on

    Portugal is a Eastern European country in west Europe should be red

  4. HolyPizzaPie on

    Definitely in some Eastern European country but pretending it’s not Eastern Europe.

  5. She is latvian. If you centered latvian to her opinions, everything seems right. Is Netherland south europe?? Yes it is cause souther then latvia.

  6. Victor4VPA on

    I think she’s German, because it’s weird only Germany in Central Europe

  7. char_char_11 on

    Dementia is no nationality ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)

  8. Estonian

    – Cares about Latvian existence
    – Estonia North
    – everything South

  9. felix7483793173 on

    Poland is too busy claiming they are Central European instead of Eastern European, they didn’t even consider they are actually southern European…

  10. Coriolis_PL on

    The Principality of Livonia – a faithful subject to the Polish Crown… 😏

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