Trump träumt von einer Imperiumserweiterung


  1. Aggressive-Will-4500 on

    He’s like a taller, less intelligent, chunkier, and emotionally less stable version of Putin trying to cement his “legacy” by creating WW III and the oligarchs are happy to push of them along since they have their underground bunker-cities ready.

  2. Jrmintlord on

    So Trump voters you want to start wars with Greenland, Panama, Canada, and Mexico? That’s what you voted for? Sounds like an absolute disgusting disaster.

  3. InAllThingsBalance on

    Damn it! I am an American, and I want to live at peace with our allies. I hate that this terrible person will soon lead our nation.

  4. Mr-ReDiCulouZ on

    Lets face it; Elon, Putin and Xi will be sitting in a room dividing the rest of the world between themselves. Elon would probably even give up USA to Russia if they give him mineral rights on Venus.

  5. It’s always hard to tell which Trump nonsense to take seriously, but I have a weird feeling that this one is real. We’re not going to invade Canada, but I could see him trying to claim Panama, or parts of Mexico.

  6. Class_of_22 on

    I just hate this so much.

    I just wish that something was to happen that would disrupt all of this…

  7. Heh…, make Puerto Rico and DC a state then. I SO can imagine his comment if asked this question.

  8. FutureSelf3 on

    Let’s make a total fucking moron the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military. What could go wrong? It’s not like he’s gonna invade fucking Greenland or anything.

  9. Deviantdefective on

    Something something Trumps about not starting wars and focusing on only America. Can’t wait for the republicans mental gymnastics to explain this.

  10. Leftblankthistime on

    I mean he could make Puerto Rico and Guam official states pretty easy

  11. LandSharkUSRT on

    Why is this being reported on as anything but complete delusions of grandeur of a very mentally unwell man?

  12. Thorenunderhill on

    He thinks he’s a “great man of history” in pursuit of lebensraum.

  13. Ready-Eggplant-3857 on

    Until the financial repercussions hit. Sanctions against the US and ultra wealthy would curtail that. But power is personal. So who knows.

  14. Motherlover235 on

    The only one of those I could see him “invading” is maybe Panama, assuming there’s some validity to statements around the US getting screwed or them picking sides and even then, it would probably look a lot like Hawaii when we overthrew their monarchy and made them a territory. I’m not saying thats a good or bad thing, just an observation.

    I see real interest in Greenland for legit reasons as arctic access will become increasingly more valuable going forward but that will probably be dealt with by us gaining more access via treaty.

    The whole Canada thing was obviously him fucking with Trudeau.

    I don’t know what the fuck would be done about the Mexican cartels but no way he invades Mexico.

  15. whateveryousaymydear on

    wonder how long before we see the Worlds tallest Statue of Trump…

  16. Funny thing is Trump voters want to expand the empire but won’t enlist to fight in that wars because they are big ass cowards.

  17. Flyingcircushotdog on

    The best way to remind in power and start a dictatorship is initiate a war against our neighbour’s.

  18. GreyBeardEng on

    Little late to have that dream, he is in the dementia poopy your diaper phase of life.

  19. badgirlmonkey on

    His supporters literally said Trump would bring peace. God those people are so dumb

  20. Shinny objects to distract…Panama, Greenland, Canada…keep asking for lower food cost, lower energy cost, lower rent, lower mortgage rates, and increase minimum wage. Trump and the GOP are distracting you from what matters to you day in and day out. Fix the economy before you think of anything else. People, time to rise against the machine!

  21. PissNBiscuits on

    This insane, nonsensical bullshit from Trump about wanting to “acquire” Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal are nothing more than distractions. They’re jingly, shiny keys to draw everyone’s attention from the real stuff like the Gaetz Ethics Report. Don’t be fooled by the bullshit slight of hand while he and his cronies do something devious.

  22. Pusfilledonut on

    Fascism doesn’t expand trade, improve efficiencies, create opportunity, or innovate beyond furthering its political agenda.

    It colonises, steals resources from sovereign nations, and enslaves populations.

  23. Hot_Mess5470 on

    If there truly was a “Deep State,” wouldn’t it have already handled this twat by now?

  24. SeaTownKraken on

    Every day of a trump presidency will feel like getting your ankle tagged by a razor scooter

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