Länder, die am 26. Dezember den Boxing Day oder den Stephanstag (zweiten Weihnachtstag) feiern

Von ExcitingNeck8226


  1. Filthiest_Tleilaxu on

    I wish we celebrated it in the US. Instead I have to go to work tomorrow hungover after drinking myself stupid and getting high as a kite.

  2. ExcitingNeck8226 on

    Source: [https://www.qppstudio.net/public-holidays-by-date/december-26.htm](https://www.qppstudio.net/public-holidays-by-date/december-26.htm)

    In addition to Christmas, the day after Christmas (Dec 26) is also celebrated/observed in many nations across the world.

    Across most of continental Europe, Saint Stephen’s Day or the Second Day of Christmas is celebrated with most nations listing it as a public holiday with each nation holding distinct practices as part of the tradition.

    In the UK and several commonwealth nations across 6 different continents, Dec 26 is known as Boxing Day and it is a public holiday in every country highlighted in green. In the UK/Canada/Australia/NZ, boxing day is often seen as a day of shopping where many stores hold major discounts for people to buy gifts for loved ones. Additionally, in most commonwealth realm countries overall, a boxing day-related sporting fixture also occurs ranging from football fixtures in England, test cricket in Australia, junior hockey in Canada, boxing in Anglo-Caribbean/African nations, as well as in Rugby League in participating countries.

  3. _s1m0n_s3z on

    As a Canadian, the word ‘celebrate’ is doing a lot of work, here. The 26th gets called ‘boxing day’, and post Christmas sales might be called ‘Boxing day (and then ‘boxing week’) sales’, but that’s all the celebratin’ we might do. And this is only English Canada. If the 26th has a name in French Canada, I have never heard it.

  4. SinisterDetection on

    Poor Portugal, you really do belong in eastern Europe don’t you?

  5. Pugzilla69 on

    Americans really hate time off, don’t they?

    So passionate about their jobs, it’s admirable.

  6. It’s not a thing at the national level in Spain unlike the 25th that is a national holiday, just some regions, mainly Catalonia.

  7. Quitelikethem on

    Sitting here in Brisbane enjoying a classic Boxing Day – the cricket playing on telly, munching our way through leftover prawn and mango salad, and planning a swim shortly 😎

  8. Unfair-Bike on

    Boxing Day hasnt been a public holiday in Singapore since independence when many public holidays were abolished

  9. I’m Irish and live abroad so I only really come home for Christmas.

    St. Stephen’s Night is the one night a year my friends are garunteed to be out on the town, assuming they made it back for the holidays.

  10. chaoyantime on

    Lol, thanks for including Hong Kong. I’m Cantonese American and I never understood what my hk relatives were talking about

  11. Joseph20102011 on

    In Spain, only the Catalonia region cares about celebrating Saint Stephen’s Day every December 26 of the year.

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