Veröffentlicht am 25.12.2024


  1. -happycow- on

    right, *aid*. As if they give any kind of aid. We have come to help you get your washing machine stolen

  2. AID lol lol lol lol what really is that acronym???? Additional Instruments of Death.?

  3. JohnnyMayhem0311 on

    Good. They spent all of Christmas sheliing like crazy. Worst day for IDF I’ve seen at the front so far. Fuck em

  4. name_isnot_available on

    Ukraine is streamlining the process, instead of waiting for the assault, attack the gathering point. I guess the approach of using civilian vehicles to hide assault attempts does not work so good any more.

  5. Go home Russians. Save yourselves. Putin is a Tyrant. Peace and love..♥️

  6. Visual-General-6459 on

    Lol no no no. It was a Ukrainian aid delivery. Ruzzian aid would be installing plumbing for Mordors residents. Run away and do that while you still can.

  7. Ohbertpogi on

    Sorry Igor, no dildo for you until next year, that is if you survive.

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