Chris Diamantopoulos enthüllt, dass der verstorbene Sopranos-Star Tony Sirico ihn versehentlich mit einer echten Pfeife geschlagen hat


    1. DemiFiendRSA on


      >“It was a rite of passage to be whacked by Paulie Walnuts. Sirico had two pipes, a lead pipe and a rubber pipe, one to use when the camera was on me, and one to use when the camera was on him. Which one do you think he used on me the first time? The answer is it wasn’t the fake one. Got whacked by Paulie Walnuts and lived to tell about it.”

      >“I remember doing a scene with him [Gandolfini] where he was in the hospital. His character had to have stabbing pains in his abdomen. I remember him outside on a break, looking for a particular stone. He wanted to find a jagged rock, and he hid it under his hospital gown and had his arm over it so that when it called for the character to be in pain.” Diamantopoulos notes that Gandolfini “pushed his arm down and the rock dug into his gut, and it gave him a chance to react to it. I thought that was really a practical effect, a really neat thing to see.”

    2. divvyinvestor on

      Russ Hanneman from Silicon Valley before he joined the 3 comma club.

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