Nachwirkungen einer ukrainischen Drohne, die ein Einkaufszentrum in Wladikawkas, Russland, traf.


  1. Content_Fact_7948 on

    Merry Christmas you filthy animals. Hope you got what you wanted.

  2. Due-Barracuda7535 on

    I don’t think the orcs are going to like the new drone arms race.

  3. Negative_Hedgehog_43 on

    After all the terror they cause in the whole Europe and Middle East, ruzzi scum deserve way worse than this

  4. New-Scientist5133 on

    So are we saying that it’s ok to bomb civilians so long as they are Russian? I am 100% against Russia, but I believe it’s wrong to bomb civilians.

  5. praetorian1111 on

    Russia is hitting civilian targets on a daily basis for almost 3 years now. If Ukraine cannot push except for doing the same, so be it.
    You cannot be the bigger man and lose because if it, when the future of your country is at stake.

  6. Currently_There on

    I’m actually surprised the world still acknowledges russia as an independent country. 

  7. Junior_Bar_7436 on

    Quite likely but the Orks aren’t going to let that propaganda opportunity pass.

    Much like shooting down a missile over beach goers in crimea then claiming it was Ukraine’s intended target.

    Fuck, they even killed their own civilians to portray them as terrorist attacks from Chechnya to justify slaughtering more Chechnyan civilians.

  8. Fit-Product6223 on

    The midle lane of colours looks like lithuanian flag 🇱🇹 xDD

  9. Yeah I don’t buy this propaganda. This is just how it usually looks there.

  10. Regular_Heart9521 on

    The sticky bandits just knocked off Duncan’s toy chest for good.  

  11. LoraxJeez111 on

    No matter what side is doing what, as a society we really cannot be pushing for civilian casualties no matter what.

  12. Abba_Fiskbullar on

    This is more likely a Russian false flag or the result of electronic jamming than a deliberate attack. Ukraine is typically focused on military targets with a specific goal.

  13. PreparationWinter174 on

    Oops. Considering the vocal support from Russians for the genocide of the Ukrainian people, my sympathy is in short supply. Russia has bombed schools and hospitals deliberately for three years, fuck em.

  14. WildTomato51 on

    I’d rather they hit their ability to conduct war, but now the populace knows the shit is real.

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