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This headline alone is sad to read. Are we back in the 20th century?
Where muslim population rise, anti-jew sentiment too. Not hard to see the link. It’s like oil in water; they don’t mix. Coexistence is not an option for a religion which is based on jihad and expansion.
Muslim countries got rid of their large jewish minorities in the 20th centuries. Now, those who immigrated to Europe are following through the pressure for Europe to do the same.
With a rising far right, Islamism from badly integrated Muslims, and the more recent explosion of left wing antisemitism, it is getting quite uncomfortable for many Jews
Leaving for where?
People are acting like Europe and America haven’t been filled with antisemitism for centuries
what is ynetnews and do they have an agenda of any sort? I always find it interesting to figure that out with these sorts of posts.
Bring in more pro-terrorist islamics and then act surprised.
European politicians somehow expected that people coming from countries where the jews are openly hated will step on European ground and automatically forget about their values, believes and they way they were educated.
Sometimes I think that the average European liberal thinks that culture doesn’t go beyond superficial stuff such as food and clothes. The hate towards homosexuals, Jews and basically, everyone who doesn’t want to live like them is our blame because “we made them poor” or “we failed them as a society “.
Please do, we need you in Israel and you’ll have a warm welcome 🤗
Peaceful people leave aggressive people occupy their place
Step 1: import islam
Step 2: religious fuled antisemitism surges
Step 3: shocked pikachu face
I had a conversation with someone about Israel. they said Jews should leave israel and give it back to complete Palestinian control. Now, im very sympathetic to Palestinian rights, but that was not a realistic solution. for starters, where would the 8 million Israeli Jews go? They boldly claimed “Europe would accept them” and i literally laughed in their face.
Keep in mind this is from a survey of the people who have not ALREADY left like Manny Manny have in the last few years causing further brain drain on Europe
I love jews
It’s not looking great
On top of existing societal anti semitism,
Jews are now being held by a lot of people as collectivity guilty for the actions of one country unless they prove otherwise.
I can understand why you would leave a society that doesn’t crack down on this.
Before people jump on the “Criticism of Israel” bandwagon, imagine going up to a Muslim and holding them guilty unless they condemned ISIS or the Taliban.
Maybe stop inviting in the Muslims
As a non jew I am considering leaving Europe as well due to complete government inability in dealing with anything.
It’s incredibly funny and ironic, in Europe muslim protest against Jews in Israel, the harrased Jews from Europe come to Israel and settle there. Repeat the cycle
Teach them how to assimilate. Usually, educated immigrants assimilate better. Stop importing uneducated people from the third world who hates everyone else but them.
Oh, WHO could have guessed that by importing millions of people to europe that hates jews, the hating of jews, antisemitism would increase? Not the people who also think uneducated men are Educated and men from a country with rampant criminality, corruption where rape is not a crime Will be a huge benefit to have ?
All part of the ✡️ plan
ITT: “the jews will not replace us” type american far righters acting like antisemitism is purely a muslim trait
If it goes on like this, the european Jews should go to Israel. And the Europeans should accept the palestinians instead of them. 1 for 1.