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Spin the dial clockwise to the current time of day indicated by the white arrow, and then push down on the black ring and spin it counter clockwise to set heating period, green arrow means start time, red arrow means stop time.
Set the clock to correct time by turning the black ring clockwise. Then set your time of departure (red mark on outer ring) by pushing the black ring and turning it counterclockwise. Neither of those operations should not require force.
In the image you have it set to heat from 14:45 to 16:45, while the current clock setting is set to 17:00.
Basically, white rim is the time and the arrows point the start(green) and end times(red) of the heating cycle.
IIRC the easiest way to adjust it is to correct the time setting first, and then press on the black portion and turn it in the opposing direction to set your heating cycle (white part only turns one way, but I cannot remember which)
You need to turn the outer ring (black one) clockwise until you hear a click. Presumably when the green marker is in line with the letter above (A or B). The it will give out electricity for two hours.
”Right now” is whatever the arrow in upper left corner is pointing at. If you don’t depress the black ring, turning the dial changes the current time the mechanism is counting away from.
To set the active 2h period, make sure the current time is correct, then depress the black ring and rotate it clockwise to set the interval in which the power socket is ”turned on”.
This timer can only be on for 2 hours at a time. You set up the timer by twisting the outer black ring so that the green marker aligns with when you want the heater to start
So on the right outlet, it looks like the time now is ~17:10. The heater started at ~14:45 and turned itself off at 16:45
* Put the receptacle on the other end of the green cable into a socket on the front bumper of your car. Depending on the arrangement, there could be an in-built heater in the car, or a 230V socket somewhere inside the car, or a standard 12V socket will be energized (and you’ll need to connect an electric heater here).
* Make sure that your breaker is on and functions.
* Without pressing the black ring, set the current time (put arrow against the current time value, e.g. 14). Afair, you need to rotate counterclockwise.
* _Press_ the black ring and set it in a way, that the green triangle will be above the time you want to start heating, e.g. 7. The rotation direction is opposite to the time setting above.
It will energize the socket for 2 hours at the set time.
P.S. Test the breakers from time to time (yellow button).
check this out
Open google translate, use the camera to read the instructions and translate it to a language you understand and do as it says.