Bruttomonatsgehälter von EU-Polizisten

    Von Calibruh


    1. Dazzling-Bit-539 on

      I am from Croatia and this has to old data. Average netto salary for officer is around 1300€ without bonuses for night work, transportation, food.

    2. The_Great_Grafite on

      No wonder Romania is such an unpleasant country to visit and full of corrupt cops. I wouldn’t do my job as well if the state expects me to go against criminals for 1k€ per month.

    3. for Slovakia this must be from Bratislava region. No way a cop in Medzilaborce is earning 1.7k a month as base salary.

    4. Which-Apartment7124 on

      The data is old and inaccurate for Bulgaria. Here police officers had additional bonuses for their service (around 1 % for every year) night work , for extra hours worked (above 40 hours per week )

    5. Bobby6Killerr on

      This doesn’t include the ‘bribe’ bonus that many cops in Bulgaria receive. They are much better off than this chart suggests.

    6. FluffyPuffOfficial on

      As far as I know in Poland its more like 1200-1400 EUR net monthly. The graphic may be wrong or outdated.

    7. AresxRoyal on

      In Germany „Beamte“(Goverment employees) have very little tax and social deductions(~25% i think) so the net income is higher then someone who is not a Beamter whom have tax and social deductions closer to 40-50%

    8. valbyshadow on

      An Danish average policeofficer get ca 4000 euros/month (I just lookedit up)

    9. I’m from Bulgaria. I remember back when I just graduated high school some 10 years ago and was wondering what to do with my life, I used to work as a construction worker, your boy-for-everything. The gypsies with whom I worked made very good money for our standards as construction workers. One time, they told me that police officers are almost always present during their weddings ( which last for 3 days) as “honorary guests” since they ( i.e. the gypsies) played unbearably loud music, and it was just easier for them to bribe the officers than to turn down the music and kill the fun. So this kind of checks out

    10. HotelKing_420 on

      Just saw a salary from a danish police officer the other day. With overtime and bonuses it was not close to 5700€

    11. DrCatholicGuilt on

      You may have one this time Denmark but the *nnnnnGardai* will have their day

    12. CurrencyDesperate286 on

      A lot will depend on overtime and allowances. I know an officer younger than the criteria here in Ireland and he makes nearly double that per month on average.

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