Meine Mutter hat es vor 10 Jahren auf einer Geschäftsreise geschenkt bekommen, es aber nie benutzt, weil sie nicht wusste, wofür.


  1. Bottom right looks like shellfish/crab pickers. Top right most likely for cut fruit. Strange that there are 4 regular “place setting” spoon + chopsticks, but weird quantities for everything else. This may be intended for everyday use then, if not entertaining.

  2. Bartydogsgd on

    Top Row: Tea/Coffee Spoons x3, Cheese/Butter Knifes x2, Sugar Spoons x2, Dessert Forks x3
    Bottom Row: Regular Spoon & Chopstick Eating Set x4, Crab/Seafood Picks x2

  3. lorenzolamaslover on

    Gifts like these are more about the ceremony of gift giving rather than the utility of the gift. At least it wasnt a case of spam

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