Zahlen zeigen, dass mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen in Großbritannien am Weihnachtstag niemanden sehen oder mit ihm reden

Von topotaul


  1. The only reason I will is because I’m working; otherwise I wouldn’t but that is largely by choice.

  2. Inside_Field_8894 on

    This has been the case for most of my adult life, why are we suddenly giving a shit now?

  3. I’ve had two funerals in the past year. I’m not feeling very Christmassy.

  4. I’m one of those, my mum lives waaaaay up north, my dad waaaaay down south and I don’t drive, working retail so every other year I work Christmas and have new year off then vice versa (it’s the Christmas working year this year)

    But honestly, I’m just happy to have the day off, got myself some roast beef for late, my colleagues got me some presents to open up and I’ve got my own little project that I’m looking forward to getting finished now that the Christmas madness is over.

  5. Fruity_Flye on

    Lucky them! I’d love to not have to talk to anyone on Christmas day.

  6. Alternative_Rate648 on

    Why is this a big deal? I live alone and don’t have any family. It’s fine. I don’t need a Christmas pity party. I’m going to go for a walk wearing a santa hat then watch movies all afternoon and fall asleep on the sofa. Life could be a lot worse!

  7. Boul_D_Rer on

    It’s a day we interpret as special but shit still happens and some may not be feeling the festivities.

  8. winterhatcool on

    Omg! We get it! Stop with the “people are alone” Christmas fear mongering articles. My guess is people not celebrating Christmas means people shopping less for food, alcohol and gifts and the businesses don’t like this one bit

  9. Garfeild-duck on

    What gets me is what about the other days of the year ?

    Valentine’s Day ? Easter? Spring ? Summer? Like everything will be okay if we get Christmas out the way.

  10. ViperSocks on

    Considering the shit shown in my house, could do with some silence and no talking

  11. It’s quite funny this is presented as sad and posted to the hub of social weirdos who are *delighted* to be spending it alone. lol

  12. thebisforbargain on

    A fair few of them will be alone because no one can stand them.

  13. Some-Coffee-173 on

    What’s the betting that 499,999 of them at least are happy as a pig in shit too 🤷

  14. Willing_Coconut4364 on

    Just heading out for a nice long jog. Then I’ll soak in a hot bath. The sun is just coming out. 
    Sounds good to me. 

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