Präsident Selenskyj: Putin hat Weihnachten bewusst für einen Angriff gewählt. Über 70 Raketen inkl. Ballistik und über 100 Angriffsdrohnen. Die Ziele? unsere Energieinfrastruktur. In mehreren Regionen kommt es zu Stromausfällen. 💔

Von ibloodylovecider


  1. ibloodylovecider on

    Source- President Zelenskyy’s Twitter


    Every massive Russian strike requires time for preparation. It is never a spontaneous decision. It is a deliberate choice – not only of targets but also of timing and date.

    Today, Putin deliberately chose Christmas for an attack. What could be more inhumane? Over 70 missiles, including ballistic ones, and more than a hundred attack drones. The targets are our energy infrastructure. They continue to fight for a blackout in Ukraine.

    According to preliminary reports, our defenders managed to shoot down more than 50 missiles and a significant number of drones. Unfortunately, there have been hits. As of now, there are power outages in several regions. Power engineers are working to restore power supply as soon as possible.

    I thank everyone who is working for the country, who is on combat duty, who is protecting our skies. We will restore the maximum. Russian evil will not break Ukraine and will not spoil Christmas.

    From me:

    Absolutely f*ck the cunt of the man behind this.

  2. Sound_of_music12 on

    I expected this, I think he did this the last 2 years also.

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