KRITISCHE WARNUNG: Silber ist der Hingucker


    1. IlluminatedApe on

      SilverWars’ research team indicates that silver is a Critical Raw Material that is needed for every nation’s security, current energy infrastructure and towards ensuring the global green-energy transformation. By all respects, except by a lack of current official classification, silver is the most critical resource on our planet for the foreseeable future. The severity of the silver supply deficit is estimated to be the ‘SHOWSTOPPER’.

    2. The_Beagle on

      Hey op, great post man, real good! Love what you’re doing…. I’ve got a bridge to sell you. If you’re interested. Yeah… yeah, yeah, yeah, real nice one, hot off the truck

    3. The graphic doesn’t look serious. Like from a 2000s video game. I think someone wants to drum up hype for silver to get rich. The same way crypto guys do it.

    4. lokey_convo on

      *Oh no! Everyone panic! There’s going going to be a silver shortage! Buy silver now!*


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