Ja, Amerikaner sind viel reicher als Japaner.



  1. Median wealth in Japan is double that of Germany, and higher than that of Sweden.


    Mentioning salary without a discussion of societal benefits and cost of living is meaningless. The post also did not factor in cost of healthcare and healthcare accessibility — considerably better in Japan.

    Japan is also the wealthiest country in the world by [net investment position](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_international_investment_position).

    In fact, Japan’s [quality of life](https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp?title=2024&displayColumn=0) is higher than that of Sweden this year.

  2. leisure_suit_lorenzo on

    Am I lost? I didn’t know this sub was called /r/japanblog

  3. throwmeawayCoffee79 on

    Everytime I meet an American in Japan, they can’t stop going on about how the USD is so strong, economy, yada yada lol.

    One friend raves on about how he’s “年収1000万” in Japan and how it makes him cool in the dating world. It just feels like insecurity at this point.

  4. Oh is Noah still out there posting terrible and uninformed opinions on Japan? Forgot he exists

  5. Meanwhile average workers in Japan can afford housing, healthcare and education in a safe environment.

    Keep making up numbers to feel superior 😀

  6. suprememagelang on

    Yeah, maybe Americans aren’t financially bankrupt, but they are morally bankrupt. Americans are morally poor while the Japanese are morally rich.

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