Diesmal wurde der Bär wieder in den Berg entlassen. Ich dachte jedenfalls, dass Bären im Winter Winterschlaf halten.
Bear found under heated table in Fukushima Prefecture home is captured
byu/MagazineKey4532 injapannews
Had to read the title twice. Reminds me of a friend that lived in a really crappy apartment many years ago and slept under his kotatsu to stay warm. He’d put mikan and the tv remote on the table stay there like a turtle.
climate change is real. Not enough acorns are fruiting due to climatic conditions so bears don’t have the fat reserves to hibernate. Sucks that humans fucked up the planet so the animals have to interact with us more which gets them in bigger trouble.
everyone luvs kotatsu
It couldn’t bear the temperature outside anymore.
Yet another reason my wife will use in order to prevent me from buying a kotatsu.