Wir sehen bereits Anzeichen dafür, dass Trump die Wirtschaft belastet



  1. SusSlice1244 on

    Tank it so low before going into the office and you can only go up from there right?!

  2. By design, their buddies get tax cuts paid for by middle class and working poor. Then when it all falls apart they plan on buying up assets for cheap.

  3. Be-skeptical on

    The weaker the government becomes the more control Trump and cohorts have. They’re not good people. they do not have our best Interests in mind. The warnings went unheard.

  4. Leather_From_Corinth on

    The Fed revised up their numbers for inflation next year because of trumps stated goals.

  5. eezyE4free on

    He’s been tanking the economy since September. The company I am working for had customers downsizing due to uncertainty in the market and election concerns. It didn’t bounce back after the November election.

  6. Twodamngoon on

    As punishment for making him lose the first two elections. How severe it will be depending on how much interference had to be applied to win this one.

  7. Domesthenes-Locke on

    I was assured by people who get their news from Joe Rogan that he would cause it to rain gold for everyone.

  8. NUMBERS2357 on

    Voted in to help the economy, policies indistinguishable from what you’d do if you were trying to wreck the economy.

  9. Wait a second!!!! Youre telling me a guy so incredibly dumb he bankrupted a casino has no idea on how our economy works??? You mean a guy who literally inherited his wealth, hasnt worked a honest day in his life, rapes women, pays pornstars, hangs out on epstein island, and lost every single dime his family gave him in multiple bankruptcies has no idea how to manage money??? And youre telling me a silver spoon failed reality show POTUS and all his billionaire and multi millionaire buddies he’s appointed has no clue what they’re doing!!!???? Who would’ve seen this coming besides the whole planet and any American with an iq higher than 11.

  10. Come join me in protesting the inauguration of this quintessential embarrassment to America on January 20. My message will be Immigrants Make America Great. Fascists Do Not! Si se puede!

  11. ApprehensiveStand456 on

    It’s like Mr Robot, tank the economy and the dollar. Then replace it with E coin.

  12. RadicalRectangle on

    I work in an industry that is sharply defined by buying trends. I have already had multiple potential customers bring up potential Tariffs as a reason to make a purchase immediately, or wait to see how things shake out.

  13. Venetian_Harlequin on

    Good. I want this to hurt. They don’t understand consequences until it hurts them.

    They need these consequences. I’m sorry the rest of us are collateral damage, but maybe people will wake up.

  14. Aggravating-Donut695 on

    Actually my 401k has been losing money since the election… Trump is a POS and the market knows it!

  15. The worst is yet to come. Wait till he’s sworn in and really flushes America down the toilet

  16. Definition-Prize on

    I fucking hate that I’m graduating college the first year of a second Trump presidency. Ugh

  17. throwaway1601900 on

    That’s the plan. Tank the economy and let our elected billionaires buy it on the cheap.

  18. CardboardStarship on

    He’s just doing it so Dana White has a monopoly on women fighting.

  19. ShoppingDismal3864 on

    That’s the plan. Replace with digital currency for even more totalitarian control.

  20. rustylucy77 on

    You have to tear it down and build it back stronger like a muscle. /s

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