Ein russischer Soldat, der versucht, sich mit einer Decke vor einer FPV-Drohne zu verstecken, wird von der Drohne getroffen. Ein weiterer Soldat, der mit Gepäck unterwegs war, wird ebenfalls getroffen, außerdem wurde ein Truppentransporter direkt getroffen. (414. Marine-Streik-UAV-Brigade „Birds of Madyar“)

Von Individual_Event_285


  1. RogueStatesman on

    I guess the invisible blanket technology needs to be reevaluated.

  2. I’ve seen this before… the guy missed his flight so he was doing the defeated walk back through the terminal towards the help desk…

  3. ProlapseProvider on

    Seen a few videos now where the invaders think that the blanket makes them invisible to drones. Could be they think they are using thermal blankets and misunderstand how they work or they are lied to and given regular blankets. Either way they think it has almost magical properties such as the cloaks gifted to the hobbits by the elves in LotR.

    I’ve seen a man hiding under one slowly moving across a field in daylight like a stupid tortoise get killed b a drone. Another man froze in place once he noticed the drone, it flew around him a couple of time and he was like a statue, it killed him.

    Disgusting what putin is doing to all the victims involved here.

  4. TheRealAuthorSarge on

    This isn’t an army. It’s a bunch of homeless hobos being forced to fight.

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