Mit welchem ​​Land teilen die europäischen Länder ihre längste Grenze? (Mehrere Quellen)

Von geographyfacts


  1. For now the Kingdom of Denmark also contains The Faroe Islands and Greenland.

  2. Several-Zombies6547 on

    For Cyprus it’s the British overseas territory of Akrotiri and Dhekelia.

  3. WillGetBannedSoonn on

    Romania’s border with ukraine is 613km while its border with hungary is around 480km, so either the map is wrong or it means the longest continuous border

  4. Glory99Amb on

    Thank you for using the correct Syrian flag, still warms my heart to see it

  5. theworldtravellerfag on

    imagine if this wouldve been the real countries here instead

  6. Fun fact – neighboring countries often report different length of their shared border and the reason isn’t politics that one of the countries is lying or measuring it wrong but because natural borders (like those following rivers or mountain ridges), just like coastlines, are essentially fractals. The shorter ruler you use, the longer the border will be. You may think to be more precise, you need as short a ruler as possible, but as the ruler length approaches zero, the border length can approach infinity, at least in theory.

  7. Depending on which territories are recognised and by whom, France could also have Australia (with a border well over 5000 km).

    At least French and Australian governments would agree.

  8. theios_sotos on

    Is it land or sea border also?

    Because then Greece’s longest border is with Turkey.


    Wrong, the Austro German border is 900m longer then the Czech german border

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