Russisches Frachtschiff sinkt vor der Küste Spaniens


  1. Routine-Chance-6735 on

    Engine trouble. Further proof that Russian ships are not seaworthy.

  2. Alternative_Judge677 on

    Russia is just a gas station pretending to be a country.

  3. LouieJamesD on

    Succeessful test of new cargo submarine. The West cannot do this.

  4. Significant-Self5907 on

    A nation of drunk sheeple that are constantly fed propaganda isn’t going to be able to build, operate & maintain anything that actually works.

  5. macross1984 on

    I’m starting to wonder if Russian ships are deliberately scuttled.

  6. Ok_Island_9825 on

    Not just a cargo ship, but one of the main ships exfiltrating military equipment from Syria according to the article. There’s a real possibility it was sabotage, engines don’t just explode like that.

  7. Mfs didn’t take quality and maritime ideas and forgot about attrition while docking out artillery regiments from a province? Rookie mistake…

  8. AdolfsLonelyScrotum on

    This shit is starting to remind me of a novel by Ben Elton.
    Anyone remember STARK?
    Specifically the “lepers”.

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