Die jüngsten großzügigen Reisekosten von Senatorin Kyrsten Sinema haben gegen das Gesetz verstoßen, behauptet eine Überwachungsgruppe



  1. Genetics-13 on

    Unfortunately there is no one who will prosecute an elite who breaks the law in the United States government. She will get a hefty “shame on you “ and be described in writing what a slap on the wrist feels like.

  2. Naive-Marzipan4527 on

    Until there’s any real punishments for these, what’s the point of even releasing these reports?

  3. Ok. What’s going to happen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Our government is a joke

  4. Definitely broke DTS travel policy. You know she wasn’t staying in fucking Budget Inn next to the airport and driving a sub compact Nissan…

  5. MiddleAgedSponger on

    How is she going to suffer through the zero repercussions?

  6. PhilDGlass on

    Haha. Watchdog group. Watch the toothless dog gum that allegation to death.

  7. SexyCouple4Bliss on

    She’ll switch to being a Republican and suddenly any and all talk about charges will go away

  8. chriskot123 on

    Oh no, how will she ever survive not having to face the music for this

  9. nohurrie32 on

    Anyone else tired of the 8,569 “news”stories about rich white people in government breaking the law and then….. nothing happens at all

  10. henrysmyagent on

    The single most selfish, most self-involved, most self-agrandizing senator broke federal laws milking free trips at the expense of the taxpayers she spent 6-solid years ignoring or screwing over?

    I am shocked. Shocked!

    (…but not all that surprised.)

  11. At least she’s losing her partner in Obstruction, Inc. The end of Manchinema.

  12. leodavidci on

    I wish there was some way that someone who was convicted of a crime could select a politician who got away with breaking the law to serve their sentence in their place.

    Any politician, any sentence.

  13. prodigalpariah on

    Ah. Well I’m totally sure there will be consequences for a politician *this* time, right?

  14. Seriously! This is not the first time she has used campaign funds for personal expenses but so did others including Bobart who used campaign funds for her restaurant and other personal expenses but nothing was done to hold her or any of these elected officials accountable and nothing will come January after trump is sworn in the republicans will be lining their pockets at record speed like their insider trading during the pandemic while say it was fake news

  15. Latter_Ad_2073 on

    And nothing will be done because that’s the game. Once you get enough money and power, there are no legal consequences – just fees.

  16. Soggy-Marionberry987 on

    Oh no, a law was broken… anyway, what’s your point? Trump broke the law too, and now he is president. Wake me up when we become a country of law and order. Until then, why bother sharing this type of news anymore?

  17. giggity_giggity on

    > Federal election rules allow candidates’ campaigns to foot the bill for travel and security expenses that are connected to their official or campaign duties. But they prohibit candidates from using campaign money for expenses that they would make “irrespective” of their election or government service.

    Why would campaign money be used for travel for “official” duties? Shouldn’t the government pay for that? This just seems like a loophole to take vacations on donors’ dime while claiming it’s for official duties (which seems easier to fake than for campaign purposes).

  18. sinverness2 on

    What difference does it make if none of these corrupt politicians ever get prosecuted? The system is flawed if it allows these abuses to continue. Virtually every politician seems to be corrupt.. and the republicans with their puppet judges seem to be quite a bit worse with their blatant disregard to precedence and the law. Regardless, the only hope is if the PEOPLE come together for a bigger cause and put their little issues aside. We need to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and rid the nation of these varmints.

  19. themaninca on

    Because she has the entire Beltway media apparatus salivating for her near as much as Trump, she’s got nothing to worry about

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