Die ukrainischen „Birds of Madyar“ (414. Marine-Streik-UAV-Brigade) haben die russische Infanterie/Logistik mit einer Kombination aus FPV-Angriffsdrohnen und Remote-Mining erfolgreich behindert und dabei Geländefahrzeuge, Buggys und Insassen in Bewegung ins Visier genommen. Mit Erzählung von Robert „Madyar“ Brovdi. Veröffentlicht am 24. Dezember 2024

Von Voldesad


  1. Comfortable_Pea_1693 on

    the first one tripping over his own legs while trying to frantically change directions doomed him

  2. Economy-Reaction4525 on

    My reddit assigned handle glows when a “≥ 2” scenario occurs.

  3. Kalmartard on

    Birds of Madyar are really publishing a lot of material showing off some real precision work. I recently read on the sticky thread they were tripling the size of his already large unit.

  4. The first two guys were illegally fishing, which is highly frowned upon activity in Ukraine.

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