Viktor Orbán ist in Panik, er und seine Parteimitglieder haben begonnen, vietnamesische Likes für ihre Facebook-Beiträge zu kaufen.

Von EldianKyo


  1. resurrectedbydick on

    No less, under a post wishing Merry Christmas specifically to “all Hungarians”.

  2. Did i miss something? Why would he be in panic? Aren’t next elections in 2 or 3 years?

  3. JackieMortes on

    I’m surprised I’m about to say this but I think when it comes to believability of likes, comments and reactions even fucking twitter (rip) is not as bad as Facebook. Normally I wouldn’t give a shit but sadly a lot of boomers have moved in there in recent 5-10 years or so and they’re ten times more suspectible to online disinfo than most of younger people who grew out of Facebook since its peak

  4. LightSideoftheForce on

    They have been doing this for a very long time, this is not news at all

  5. What a noob. He should ask Romanian bros how to get fake likes and comments, they know all about it.

  6. Flamboyant_Nine on

    Orban using the Russian troll factories is such a 2024 Romanian election outdated method already

  7. LegoPirateShip on

    Not gonna lie, in Budapest, you can find a Pho restaurant on every third corner, and a 2 thai message salons in every corner.

  8. ApolloSancus on

    He should let some real Vietnamese into Hungary, they’d be tearing it up with some French Bakeries

    But noooo

  9. GRed-saintevil on

    Georgian Dream members do that all the time on their already “sponsored” fb posts lol. 40k Likes, 200 comments.
    sounds about right

  10. Advanced-Vermicelli8 on

    Seems like they learned something from romanian elections

  11. They used to do it a lot in Georgia too, spamming Vietnamese likes on posts commemorating war victims, now they’ve moved on to custom-made bot accounts, so heads up, I guess.

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