Es sieht so aus, als ob Deutschland bei den nächsten Wahlen dem Weg der USA folgen könnte

Von kappusha


  1. thendisnigh111349 on

    Germany has proportional representation so its election results are often not quite as simple as right party wins, left party loses. The most likely outcome based on current polling is the main conservative party (CDU/CSU) and the main left party (SDP) form a grand coalition as any other coalition wouldn’t really be workable. Chancellor Scholz in terms of his own political career is doing very poorly, yes, but his party is most likely still gonna be part of the next government despite that, albeit in a lesser capacity.

  2. globeglobeglobe on

    Seems like people are talking about economics, time for billionaire-owned media to ramp up the identity politics again and make everything about immigration and the far-right again (for or against)… this is just the euro crisis that Germany and the rest of the core European countries inflicted on southern Europe coming home to roost.

  3. Calcutec_1 on

    Even if AfD would gain a bit they will never be in government as the normal parties all refuse to work with them in a coalition

  4. AdminEating_Dragon on

    Immigrants and refugees becoming a hot topic after 2022 without a significant increase in their number is just proof of how successfully Musk’s Twitter takeover imposed his own agenda in the public dialogue.

    The economy is a real issue – albeit there are no quick or easy fixes, no matter how much people don’t want to hear that.

    But the immigration issue should have the same importance as it did in 2018 or 2020. Not much changed.

    Either Germans want a scapegoat for their economic woes, or they also get convinced by Musk-Russia’s propaganda machine that reality is different than it actually is.

  5. Striking_Reality5628 on

    But it’s getting late. Europe’s economy was built on the basis of global hegemony. The West has lost this status. Both intellectual, industrial and military.

  6. Dear ageing Germany with birthrate below replacement – I have bad news for you if you don’t like both a stagnating economy AND migrant workers.

  7. SethTaylor987 on

    Kinda feels like every EU country is following this path politically speaking, regardless of their actual situation, and it kinda feels like that’s all because the same type of misinformation campaigns are being ran by Russia/China in all EU countries.

  8. I‘m sure the other german parties except the AFD will solve all the problems. Not only the economic problems. /s

  9. butwhywedothis on

    AfD = Another fucking Disaster.

    Say No to these fuckwits. They only know how to make chaos and can’t govern.

  10. entire EU is deeply fucked and its only because of out own incompetence to make a decisive military action in this war, by our inactivity we granted Putin full victory over all those natural resources we need so much, so in the end we didn’t only encourage all dictators that war of conquest is worth it, but also put ourselves into even bigger dependence on russian natural resources. Just this week russians took control of one of largest lithium mines in Europe to add to their portfolio. This war could easily be ended in 2022 but instead we decided to bleed entire Ukraine just to lose it anyway and simultaneously ruined our own economy, because “this is not our war” mentality.

  11. Affectionate_Cut_835 on

    Should I be worried (I am Czech and I have relatives in Poland)

  12. futureboredom on

    It looks like Germany could not be following the USA’s path in its next elections, too

  13. Fandango_Jones on

    Not really. They already struggle to hold on what they got so far. True, they will gain a bit more traction than last time but if the latest elections in the eastern states are any lead on, it is stagnating at best and slowly bleeding out at the worst.

    Additionally the federal constitutional Court and the legal system work in a totally different way and are highly independent.

  14. Only if you don’t know anything about Germany. They make a lot of mistakes, but putting Nazis in power again is not one of them.

  15. Honest-Parsnip-3123 on

    Man like how can be Climate and energy so high yet, German government be like: lEt’S cLoSe AlL nUcLeAr PoWeR pLaNtS.
    That level of stupidity is just beyond me.

  16. So the “most important problem currently” basically follows the news.

  17. herbieLmao on

    Olaf is unpopular because he is just a chill guy in a very populist era.

    He also did some weird shit as mayor of hamburg.

    Ppl try to create wrong stigmas about him as well.

    Like no one ever watches his speeches in the parliament, yet everyone says he is boring and always asleep.

    The ampelkoalition is generally blamed for a lot of shit they had no real deal in. But it was the same with merkel.
    Germans are in redibly short-memoried when it comes to politics, or the fdp would still be below 5%, which they will probably be again after next elections.

  18. NoGravitasForSure on

    Interesting survey. But I disagree with the conclusion that Germany is following the USA’s path.

    Why? There is an important difference between the election systems of the two countries. Germany has multiple parties that have chances to get into parliament. So voters are rarely in a situation where they have to choose the perceived lesser one of two evils.

    The election results in Germany follow more closely the true convictions of the voters. This means there is less room for surprises. The far-right polls currently at 19% and my prediction is that this is also what they will get in the coming election.

  19. Reasonable_Shift_120 on

    What saddens me the most is the sharp decline in the climate and energy line. It’s still the most important issue affecting every country in the world. And it won’t get any better, only worse. Plus, it will also affect their beloved economy and immigration a lot by making both of those things even worse. 

  20. fingledeebee on

    You can’t run from economic populism. Next thing you know, you’ll have an orange man advocating for tariffs as a response to high goods prices.

  21. Cracker_AC on

    Well, either you solve your country’s problems or next round someone who promises to do so will go into government. The only strange thing is they don’t even seem to be trying, the rest is business as usual.

  22. Akkusativobjekt on

    Prices and pay / economic situation is for me as a German atm the same kind of problem.

  23. Major_Boot2778 on

    Prices and pay was the lowest? I find that questionable, I wonder how they worded their queries

  24. Own_Serve5460 on

    i have no doubt there’s gunna be a far right or right wave across the western world. People are sick of things, that’s all it comes down to. economies suck, illegal immigrants everywhere, governments gas lighting people and protecting violent criminals who aren’t citizens, the whole bullshit that covid was and ass backwards it was handled. housing shortages while foreigners are being housed before citizens, say what u want, that’s what people see and feel and they’re sick and tired of it. Afd def seems nazi in the closest sense, but other right wing organizations it’s ridiculous to label them as such in most cases

  25. How did the economic situation go from barely a problem in 2023 to the biggest problem in 2024?

  26. It sucks because Scholz is useless – but he did not cause the current economic issues. This was mainly CDU.

    Who, unfortunately, will be voted back into power.

  27. Movilitero on

    ive been saying this here for a long time. The far right is gaining power all across Europe.

  28. skibitiskeet on

    In twenty years people gonna be like Germanwhat? Russiawho?
    Poland from East to West, Polska! Polska! Polska!

  29. Who could’ve predicted that when mass migration is a cause of many of your country’s problems, parties that are against it would gain popularity.

  30. MightyBoat on

    Why is “economic situation” high and “prices and pay” low? This seems like a badly worded poll

  31. immigrants are not a “problem” they carry the economy of Europe on their backs

  32. Lollipop96 on

    Considering Elon already endorsed the Neo-Nazis, definitely. Thankfully the political system in Germany makes it unlikely for the afd to get into power because they simply will have problems forming a coalition.

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