Große britische ISPs werden angewiesen, weitere Raubkopien von Buch- und Zeitschriften-Websites zu blockieren
Big UK ISPs Ordered to Block More Pirated Book and Journal Websites
Von fantasy53
Große britische ISPs werden angewiesen, weitere Raubkopien von Buch- und Zeitschriften-Websites zu blockieren
Big UK ISPs Ordered to Block More Pirated Book and Journal Websites
Von fantasy53
Here are The websites that they have been requested to block, just so you guys know which to avoid.
Z library, Anna‘s archive and library Genesis.
the more the gov tell people to suppress access to alleged copyright abuse websites, the more people are gonna be aware of them and keep using them…
how long till they scrap with []( , the uk gov hate it when we have access to information for free…
The way these are blocked is with DNS poisoning. If you just change your DNS to one outside of the UK, like opendns, you’ll be able to access everything.
Funny thing is these were probably the first sites big AI companies scraped to train LLMs on. Ok for big business but not for the plebs.
I’d be less annoyed if any research paper that had the tiniest amount of public funding was made to be open access, as journals cost an absolute fortune to access, it’s frustrating as companies and institutions are cutting back on their subscriptions.
The citizens are too dangerous to be given access to an wide array of knowledge.
If we keep the cost of knowledge prohibitively expensive to bottleneck the rate of knowledge gain the citizens shall never gain enough knowledge to recognise what we are doing nor overthrow us
The science publication cabal doesn’t contribute ANYTHING to the fields they supposedly represent.
So pirating ting scientific articles is a public good.
Pirating books is literally the same as using the library in my mind, I usually pirate them to see if I get interested then buy the book anyway because I prefer a physical book or if I’m gonna reread it.
I also I like pirating them when I’ve got the book if I’m out somewhere and I want to read and don’t have my book on me.
I genuinely think having easy access to books online is actually a good thing for authors in that regard