Korea wird offiziell zur „Super-Age“-Gesellschaft



  1. Sneaky_lil-bee on

    When adult diapers outnumber kids diapers, that’s pretty much an indicator

  2. swimmingmices on

    maybe if they weren’t a racist ethnostate they could address this problem with youth immigration like everyone else

  3. hannabarberaisawhore on

    I wonder where they’d be at now if there wasn’t a boon in adopting babies out.

  4. South Korea’s ‘super-aged’ status signals a demographic time bomb—more retirees, fewer taxpayers, and a looming economic strain. Progress, but at what cost?

  5. -You-know-it- on

    They are always worried about war with North Korea but none of it matters because they will just put themselves into extinction.

  6. Remarkable_Rock_3297 on

    The older generations managed to make a society so bad that their children and grandchildren don’t even want to reproduce.

  7. FindingLegitimate970 on

    And they come coming up with all this other stuff that does nothing for their situation like new tvs

  8. Pure_Engineering6423 on

    And these older generations are so fucking selfish. They want everything for themselves and couldn’t care less what they leave behind. It’s an embarrassment

  9. Damn, all the young western foreigners leaving too now that the Won has reached dog-shit status

  10. dropthemagic on

    After learning about South Korea, the lifestyle, work life balance, being shun if you don’t work for a mega corp and seeing people kill themselves because they don’t pass a test Samsung makes for a job after college… I am not surprised. That’s not my culture. And I respect it, but I don’t think it’s a healthy society.

  11. Pleasant_Ad_7694 on

    So with where we are now technologically, how possible is it for advanced economies to offset this with complete automation?

    Thinking like Player Piano where most people just do government works/ government landscaping and all production and industry is run by AI or super computers and automation? We must be close to that?

  12. PossessionSwimming25 on

    Just allow older people to die of natural causes. Not sure why everyone thinks they have to be supported by the state

  13. Temporary_Heron7862 on

    I believe that’s the inevitable endgame for highly industrial, highly bureaucratic socities. Korea’s just getting there first before everyone else, probably due to the heavy Confucian influence on pretty much every aspect of their society, from business to government.

    It’ll be fun to see how the tiny gen alpha, and the even tinier gens who’ll come after them, will react, if at all, to having to carry the welfare of so many old retired people on their backs. People who’ll keep living longer and longer lives due to both having more money, and the advancement of modern medicine.

  14. Canine-65113 on

    This is what happens when people start raising dogs and cats instead of babies. Take notes everyone

  15. windrune83 on

    Societies as a whole need to come to the realization that leaving control of government and financial systems in the hands of the aging population will not benefit everyone.

    The older generations are hoarding power and wealth with no forethought for 20, 50, or 100 years down the road.

    Voting privileges should stop at 60, no one older than 65 should hold public office, and corporate $$ should be far removed from any form of influence and politics.

    Social security should be funded by a wealth tax on the current generation of retiries, with progressive brackets up to 200% tax for the extremely wealthy. This will encourage them to pass wealth to younger generations and finally stimulate economic growth like they promised for decades.

    The world as a whole needs to decide what a reasonable # of humans to exist on earth is, resources are finite, and not every country should be expecting infinite growth.

  16. Korea has a real problem. In a normal society I’d never advocate government support to have kids but they need to implement some real support for people.

  17. DirkTheSandman on

    Ya know, this birthrates thing really keeps reminding me of climate change, and both of them remind me of the steamroller scene from Austin Powers.

    We have known for a few decades now that they are both going to become (and in the case of climate change; have already become) major societal problems, and almost for that same amount of time, we have known what is causing them to occur and get worse, but we continue to not do basically anything to alleviate that problem because, like basically every other societal problem, it is caused by wealthy ceos and businesses wanting to keep making more money.

  18. Grandkahoona01 on

    What happens when society is more concerned about the wealth accumulation of its top 0.1 percent than its citizens. People are tired of the rat race

  19. Politicians: how do we fix this population crisis!!!

    Population: Less emphasis on making a small percentage of us hyper rich. Less work, more pay, more emphasis on the human experience. Honor and respect the work and sacrifices parents undertake.

    Politicians: truly a mystery that might never be solved.

  20. Plenty of Korean kids here in New Jersey. I know this because they keep asking my kids to go to church with them and are answered with derisive laughter.

  21. imonasubway on

    Guess we can expect K-pop idols to start dropping retirement albums and training us in aerobics instead of dance routines.

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