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“Experts like Stern say headlight glare is a serious issue across North America as vehicles transition from warmer old-style halogen lights.
Newer LED headlights create a more intense, concentrated light that’s bluer and can force people to squint in discomfort. Canada’s regulations have been adjusted — but researchers say they have not yet caught up to headlight technology common in other countries.
So night drivers end up blinded — especially if their eyes are older — and looking for their own solutions that can only help so much.”
Proper adaptive headlights are a problem that’s been solved elsewhere but really, we can blame the US for this.
Manufacturers are making headlights that conform to outdated NHTSA legislation that don’t allow for the same flexibility in how “adaptive” they can be vs other markets like UK and European/ some Asian markets etc.
Canadian vehicles basically just replicate the terms found under the more restrictive NHTSA standards because we’re not a big enough market to make the more expensive adaptive headlights available in.
Until the US legislation gets more in line with the European/rest of world market, we won’t see proper adaptive lighting here.
If your lights are too bright. You get my off-roading high beams back in response. 🤷 If you don’t like it. Get them adjusted at the dealer. It’s a pretty simple process to aim them.
No way in hell should I*** be squinting at your headlights in my lifted truck.
I have to be within regulation for my lights. You have to be in regulation for your lights.
Something needs to be done about this. It’s been brutal the last few years.
No, but I’ve noticed gum’s gotten mintier lately.
Driving has become a nightmare because of these ridiculously bright headlights. It’s like they get brighter every single year. Sheesh.
Yeah it’s ridiculous. I can’t tell if someone’s leaving their high beams on or if their lights just have a ridiculously bright baseline.
I’ve been chalking this up to a “me issue” (getting grumpy as I get older), so it’s nice to read confirmation that I haven’t lost my mind (yet).
Turn off your fog lights if it’s not foggy!!!
Honestly, I don’t even find them more effective.. I find my older truck has better visibility with the halogens, maybe has something to do with the Kelvin they operate at now, but I feel there’s better nighttime visibility around 4k than 6k.
Can’t beat em, join em
The LED replacements for headlights are also less expensive and easier to get than halogen bulbs. As vehicles age, people are more inclined to replace burned out halogen headlights with LED.
Its bad in Manitoba, not because of the LED lights, but because people are just leaving their high beams on. There’s usually one or two nights a week where I need to drive at night on the highway. Every night I’ll see at least two or three vehicles going the other way and won’t turn off their high beams. The worst is the Ford 1/2 tones that have the 6 headlights. It doesn’t matter if they have their high beams on, they blind you regardless.
Between these lights and driving infront of cars with automatic high beams on hilly/bumpy roads, I basically always have my rearview mirror dimmed. Some of these are so bright, I can almost drive with my own headlights off!
Am I the only one who actually thinks the way they are doing this is good? low beams while a lot brighter have a clear defined height cut off, you can see it on the road. This cut off is a fair bit lower than where older lower powered lights would be pointing.
I think another thing that’s made things worse is heights of vehicles. Most modern trucks are lifted to such a point where their headlights are right at my head level when driving my sedan.
I was driving on a non-twinned highway the other night and I was pretty much blind every time a car would pass.
I’d sign with relief when I’d see a car approaching with good ol’ yellow headlights vs. retina scorching white LED
New retrofit LED’s are just so much better from the drivers perspective compard to Halogen (basically the same price as well), I’ll put up with some glare oncoming thank you. All 3 of my older cars have them now. Just make sure your upper light cutoff is aimed so it doesnt reach into the side veiw mirror of the average sized car in front, and you’ll not be blinding people. Most lamps are easy to adjust.
I agree that everyone’s headlights are getting blindingly bright, but we’ve had to swap out headlights out for brighter ones too as my husband and I are both (in our early 30s with vision that is regularly checked) having a really hard time seeing road lines these days. Our municipality rarely repaints, and when they do the lines fade rapidly. The city doesn’t seem to want to install cats eyes, which would help but obviously cost more, so in the dark, rainy winter it just gets dangerous.
I would swap back to halogens in a heartbeat if the city took care of the road.
Makes me blind at night and already I see aura around lights… so I basically drive with sunglasses lol! Or else migraine because of Led powered laser beam lights xD
Had some giant truck road-rage honk and cut me off to pass me and then brake test me the other day because I had slowed to 30km/hr.
The reason… I couldn’t see a bloody thing. He had not just bright headlights, but another half dozen extra lights on at 6am. Not only were all my mirrors useless, they were actively blinding me. The inside of my van was lit up as if I was being abducted by aliens in a movie.
Write into law that headlights will be standard yellow and high beams can be LED. That way I know if the damn highbeams are still on so I can blind your ass in return.
It’s honestly wild seeing someone’s lights dim 10-15% when they turn off their highbeams. It’s negligible. If you can drive in the dead of night without using your highbeams, that’s a damn issue.
It’s not like anything will change as I’ve seen zero enforcement on highways besides the less than handful of times entering a city. God forbid that the provincial/territorial governments realize the amount of money they could gain from fining the dipshit drivers out there.
We need regulation on these. Something like the old AirCare but they check the brightness and adjustment of your lights.
This is why I no longer can drive at night. They’re utterly blinding if in one lane over pointing right at you – you take your own life and anyone else’s in hand by proceeding across an intersection towards these damn things. When are the manufacturers going to do a full on recall and retrofitting – before or after the class action lawsuits?
Ban headlights
My only issue is with pickup trucks that by design are aiming their low beams directly into your mirrors.
A big problem is the cheap Amazon led bulbs going into older cars. The reflectors in non-LED headlights aren’t setup for the omni-directional way the LEDs are built. Even if you point them at the ground, the light still scatters in all directions.
I’d love to see people stopped for using them, and if it’s night, they’re given a choice to either put the regular bulbs in immediately or have their vehicle towed for not being roadworthy. Plus a massive fine.
We could have this problem solved in 6 months if the cops were to focus on it.
Sweet Jesus someone regulate these fucking things. I can’t walk or drive anywhere without being blinded by these monstrosities. I can’t see shit when night driving.
While we’re at it, please ban blue and white lighting in public places. Bring back amber lighting. It’s much easier on the eyes.
Not only are the lights brighter and whiter, I find that a lot more people are just driving with their high beams on than even 10 years ago.
For some reason that I can’t figure out, it seems that more often than not a Honda civic is the culprit when someone is driving around with their high beams on.
They wanna put 10 expensive computers in every square inch of new cars why not a sensor that adjust these when you are close to other cars? This one would actually be useful and not just an useless expensive repair down the line